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_____________c h a p t e r  s e v e n t e e n

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c h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n

"Rise and shine, Rivera. Shower time," the orderly, Ivy, walks in. She was blonde, and kind of reminded Carson of Cinderella, in spite of the circumstances.

"You don't have to stand so far," she groans, sitting up as the woman unlocks her restraints hesitantly. "I don't bite."

"Not what I hear," she rolls her eyes. She had been warned of Carson's sneaky attacks, knowing to tread carefully around the girl.

"Hmm," Carson looks down, eyes full of sadness.

"Can I ask a question?"


"I'm sorry, I just, my younger sister goes to school with you. She's a freshman, and she kind of idolizes you. Says everybody wants to be Carson Rivera. Perfect grades, perfect hair, hefty bank account. How does one go from that to sitting chained up in a mental institution?"

"The bigger they are, right?" she chuckles dryly.

"I guess. Come on," she grabs her wrist. "I'm not stupid, you know. I know the only reason why you haven't attacked me yet is because you don't want to get sedated again."

"You'd understand if you'd seen what I have when they drug me," she glares.


"Hmm... more like visions, if you believe in that sort of thing."

"Do you? Believe in the supernatural? The things that go bump in the night?"

"Honey, I am what goes bump in the night," she winks, a brilliant teal replacing her hazel eyes.

"Remind me to never ask you a question again," Ivy chuckles.


"Okay, so what exactly happened, Isaac?" Gina lifts her glasses, letting him in the house.

"We were driving home from the therapist."

"Did she feed already?"


"Okay, go on," she sighs in relief.

"We were driving, and she started looking over the file we got from Briggs' office," he sits down at the island.

"Who is Dr. Briggs?" she asks.

"The man who nearly killed her as a child," Ruby walks in, startling both of them.

"Mom, you can't do that! God," she places a hand over her heart.

"Sorry. Dr. Ivan Briggs is an obsessed psychopath who spiked Carson's antibiotics with wolfsbane when she was nine," she sits down.

"Why was I not aware of this?"

DYNASTY - TEEN WOLF (4)Where stories live. Discover now