Chapter 11

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Rick's P.O.V

I just texted Bella telling her that I loved her!! What did I do!! Oh God!!! I turned off my light and jumped into my bed. What will Bella think of me now?

~12 hour's later

I heard a snigger. I groaned and rolled over in bed. My finger's on my left hand were all wet. I shot out of bed and yelled "TYLER!!". A scared look spread over Tyler's face. He ran out of my room and I chased him. You see Tyler put my hand in a bucket of cold water while I was asleep (AGAIN).

Tyler locked himself in the bathroon. "You'll have to get out of there sometime" I called. I wasn't going to wait there all day so I just went back to my room to think about a way to get back at Tyler. I pulled off my bed sheet's , it's just gross that trick , I then threw all the bed stuff into the linen basket.

I then changed my clothes and went downstair's.

That day was pretty normal , normal meaning some fighting and being very noisy. I just took my new guitar outside and composed the music to my song's , I'd text Bella later on cause she'd be asleep or something now. We planned a welcome home party for Bella so Mike popped out quickly and got everything.

~The next day

Bella's P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital room again. I looked over and saw a nurse " How you feeling Bella?" She asked me. "Fine" I said telling the truth. "I'll just go find Gina and then your free to go. You can changed in here" The nurse said and left.

I changed into my black leggin's , my red plaid shirt and a black tank top. I slid my feet into my black van's and tied my hair up into a messy bun. I was quite surprized cause my hair wasn't greasy. I collected up all my stuff and I put it all into my bag.

I checked my phone , 23 new messages on viber. I sighed and scrolled through them all. 3 were from Rick and 20 from Lana.

R: Hey Bella :)

R: How was it?

R: U ok?

L: Heyyya Tipsy :)

L: How was it?

L: U okayyyyy???

L: Tipsy U derrrr???

L: Tipsyyyyyy

L: ..........

L: :(

L: u enjoy the skittles I left u?

L: Hello????

L: .......


L: Babzzz u der?

L: ......

L: Talkkkkkk to meeeeeee

L: helpppppp Gus is driving me madd :P

L: TIPSY!!!!


L: Ah I shouldnt bother

L: byyyeeee Ttly

L: Luiafw

I sent the same message to them both: Hey guy's Im fine now I'll be back soon just popping out to the shops for Tee's bday prezzie! Thx for caring :) ~ Ttyl :) ~Bella

Gina came in followed by the nurse , "Mike will be here to collect us in a few minutes , we'll go to the shop's so you can get Tee's birthday present" Gina said.

I got Tee a silver charm bracelet in clares and 3 charm's ( A cup of tea , the letter 'T' and love heart). Gina let me pick out something too , I saw this nice set of earing's and a necklace , they were both red , plaid and fabric to thouch , they matched my shirt.

We got the bracelet for Tee gift wrapped , I put it into my back pack. "I'll give you the money when we get back" I said from behind in the mini van.

A few minutes later we were back at the dumping ground. As we walked through the door everyone cried "Welcome home Bella!" A smile spread across my face. The next second Lana was giving me a giant bear hug.

"Heyyyaaaaa Tipsy" She said. I giggled "I missed you" I said. Everyone joined in the hug. I was brought out into the garden where there was a BBQ and snack's all set out. I noticed there was a HUGE bowl of skittles. Lana problly begged Mike to get them.

I don't know how I could of missed it but there was a bouncy castle in the middle of the garden. Lana took my bag off of me and pulled me onto the bouncy castle.

I was giggling like a mad thing! Everyone jumped onto the bouncy castle , I persionally was afraid that it would pop but ah well. Rick's eye caught mine and I smiled at him. He returned it , good thing there was no tension between us. Lana and Liam were holding hand's , they look so cute together.

Mike called us all for lunch. It was a BBQ , we all sat on the grass as we had a hot dog or a burger. Liam and Lana were flirting with each other like mad. I couldn't contain my laughter. It was so funny and cute at the same time.

"Err....Bella what are you laughing at?" Rick asked me. "Oh" I said just noticing now that I'd been the only one laughing. "Liam and Lana are having a full on flirt with each other" I whispered to him. Rick looked over and smiled. "Your right" He said. "So any plan's for Tee's birthday?" I asked , making sure that Tes couldn't hear. Rick nodded "Yeah were going to go to the beach".

Memories flashed through my mind. A car speeding , going off the road , onto the beach. Me playing in the sea watching as the car slammed into my parent's. I saw my parent's die , with my own eye's and to make it worse it was on my birthday. A tear slid down my face.

"Bella you okay?" Rick's voice asked full of concern. I nodded "Yeah I was just....Thinking". Rick gave me a funny look. "You sure? You can tell me anything and I'd snitch" he said. I shook my head "It's nothing" I said. I didn't want to tell Rick just yet about my past , a few week's maybe?

I heard Lana screech , I turned my head and saw that she was dripping from head to toe in water. But it wasn't raining. Tyler was running away followed by Jody , with a bucket in his hand's.

Lana got to her feet and ran after Tyler and Jody. I sighed and got to my feet , I'm pretty much the only person who can handle Lana right. Tyler ran around the garden , Jody behind and then Lana. It looked like a wild goose chase. I just waited at the side not bothered to run. I lunged and grabbed Lana making us both fall to the ground.

"LET ME GET HIM!!" Lana shouted. "No" I told Lana "You need to learn to be the bigger person". Lana looked at me. "Uhhh fine" she said giving up. "Now go inside and get changed and dry your hair. You don't want to leave your boyfriend waiting" I said nudging her. Lana go up "Okay Tipsy" she said smirking. I sighed I've had Tipsy for my nickname for a while now and it's starting to get old. A shadow fell over me and I looked up and saw Rick. He put out his hand , I took it and he pulled me upright.

"Why dose Lana call you Tipsy?" he asked. "You really wanba know?" I asked. Rick nodded. "Well when I was 12 I entered the talent show in my school. I was singing and in the middle of my preformance I suddenly lost balence and fell over and from then on Lana has called me Tipsy" I said. Rick was trying to hide his smile (not very well) . "It's okay if you want to smile , laugh whatever I watched it back on tape and I did laugh at myself". Rick smiled and took my hand in his. He gazed down into my eye's.

It was the perfect moment until "OI Rick , Bella let's play a game of footie" Johnny's voice shouted. I sighed and we set up a game.

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