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JJ maybank

part II

'said, "I'm fine" but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you!'


everything had changed too quickly for her mind to interpret it as anything more than a fever dream. A nightmare — the last month had been complete and utter hell.

she had lost her best friend, scratch that.... her brother and her childhood bestfriend,whom she had only just rekindled her relationship with after two years of not being on speaking terms. She lost them both in the span of a few hours of thinking she was only saying goodbye temporarily, maybe a month or two at most — but never thinking it would be forever.

Renee had been here before, that's what scared her out the most. She had clung onto John B as well his dad Big John who was once a friend of Vincent Lowe's , his daughter clung onto the Routledge's like a lost puppy when she had lost him.

the cycle was repeating itself so she was scared to pull anyone closer to her not wanting to doom them to a fate like John B and Sarah's. It was all ludicrous because well..

John B and Sarah weren't actually dead. But Renee or anyone for a matter of fact didn't know that.

But summer was ending, she couldn't spend the next year and half moping around in her house — sleeping all day with occasional breaks to walk her new dog ( oh yeah, Renee got herself a rescue dog off of Craigslist at two am, but that's not exactly important right now) and to occasionally see JJ at work as he was now living at the chateau until anyone besides the pogues found out about it and inevitably kicked him out.

But with a foot in each world of Kildare county, new friends and people of the past coming back into her life, finding out a multitude of people she believed to be dead were well...never actually dead and another chance to win back the pogues rightly deserved fortune.

It makes the gold hunt look pathetic, to say the least.


seventeen , figure eight, kook academy

' I just want to be a normal girl, I miss simplicity...everything is just so complicated now.'


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( the ex.)
seventeen , figure eight, the kook academy

' so what? I'm gone for a year and you suddenly let your boyfriends walk all over you?'

' so what? I'm gone for a year and you suddenly let your boyfriends walk all over you?'

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( the new girl.)
seventeen , figure eight , kook academy

' the pogues, aren't they those people who sang that really famous Christmas song? '

' the pogues, aren't they those people who sang that really famous Christmas song? '

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additional casting.
RYAN REYNOLDS | Vincent Lowe (!?)
MADISON BAILEY| kiara 'kie' carrera
JOHNATHAN DAVIS| pope 'p' heyward
RUDY PANKOW| JJ 'j' maybank
MADELYN CLINE | sarah cameron
CHASE STOKES | John B 'jb' Routledge
DREW STARKEY | rafe cameron
the outerbanks season 2 cast | themselves


hello!!! welcome back to consistent readers and even those who have just joined and will most likely have no idea who Renee is and why she is here :)

If you're not familiar, this is a sequel to my book 'glitch' that is primarily based in series 1 of obx and will follow on from the end of book one. I highly suggest reading paradise before this but if you decide not to , be ready to be extremely confused.

this book will contain the following topics:

- underage drinking
- substance abuse
- sexual content
- violence
- strong language
- a lot of dead character resurrections :)
- messy relationship issues, love triangles and much more heart break for my favourite ship ( rj or jenee)

welcome back and enjoy <3

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