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020,  NO WAY OUT

THE ATMOSPHERE IS TENSE, Renee sat crossed legged on the small sofa on the porch of the chateau. Watching Sarah smoosh her cheek in the palm of her hand as she once again looks into the open window that leads to the boys.

The boys who are in a pre celebration on the arrest of Ward Cameron, and although Renee should be happy: for both John B and herself if the truth about her dad's death is real.

But as she sits there, watching as her best friend loses her dad. Not in the same way Renee lost her own father, maybe even worse? At least Renee can look back on the memories of her dad and smile, what will Sarah have to look back on except deceit and lies?

Renee straightens her posture slightly, catching glances with Kiara as she does so,

" do you regret it?" Renee asks, noticing how Sarah meets her eye but can't hold it for very long.

"no." she nods her head, yet her voice slightly shaken " he deserves all of it, and I know that."

Renee nods, as Kiara chimes in " he's your dad, I get it." she hums.

" and I'm sure it sucks to be in the middle." Renee inputs again, earning a soft curve of her best friend's lip however it only holds for a few seconds before her lips fall flat again.

There's a momentary silence which is filled by the ringing of a phone — Renee absentmindedly glances at her own phone, before looking at Kiara who shakes her head.

Eyes falling on Sarah as she flickers her glances between the two girls and John B who still sits in the kitchen, " sorry." she mutters to both of them who have no choice but to nod understandably as Sarah gets up and moves to the other side of the room.

Renee looks at Kiara, before standing up and moving to fill the space on the sofa that Sarah had left open.

Leaning in slightly, eyeing their friend who still was faced away " when did she get a phone?" the blonde hums as Kiara turns her head too.

" and with what money?" She asks, the two of them meeting glances again.

Renee exhales, " what happens now?" Noticing how the brunette furrows her brows, allowing the blonde to continue.

" Kie..her dads going to prison, and if they can prove him guilty he's probably going away for life-" she takes a breath in " and there's no way she's going home if Rafe is free, and I don't see how the Cameron's would recover from this."

Kiara pulls back slightly " you think she's gonna move away?" she asks as Renee shrugs her shoulders.

" it's a possibility, I don't doubt she'll try and bunk it up here with John B." Renee tells her "and we're facing exile, I don't see our parents taking in an estranged child."

The conversation is ended by another chorus of sound from inside which turns Sarah's attention away as well as Renee's — and where Sarah focused on her boyfriend who was too caught up to even notice her gaze. Renee catches the eyes of the blonde boy who doesn't know what to do as his lips fluctuate between smiling and not.

She lets herself smile, pushing aside the small quivering of her lips before the sound of Sarah's footsteps on the floor drags her attention away.

" what's up?" she asks, immediately reading the tension on her friends face and the glass look of her eyes.

She croaks out a meek " we need to go to tannyhill."

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 | outerbanks²Where stories live. Discover now