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025, normality

NORMALITY IS SOMETHING IVE TAKEN FOR GRANTED. For the last sixteen years of my life I've seen my day to day life as boring — getting out of bed to the sound of birds chirping, swimming in the ocean before changing and eating breakfast with my family.

But now, as I resurface from my plunge into the chill of the morning water I feel a soft smile spread against my lips. My hands palming over my face and pushing my hair to slick. The sun making the water that wets my skin scintillate.

Although, the reality of my current situation still sits heavy in my chest. Positioning myself in a place in the water where I can still feel the floor with my feet with little to no struggle. I took this all for granted and I didn't realise until it was gone.

I wrap a towel around my body as I shuffle into the house — smiling at my mum who looks slightly surprised that I'm up already. Maybe things will be ok again, maybe one day I won't have to double take every action I make. Maybe one day my days will be spent being a teenager again and not plunged into an adult world that I don't think any of us really understand.

I shower and change with the soft soundtrack of my playlist that reverberates against the wall the speaker of my phone has been pushed against. I braid parts of my hair and smile at the little butterfly clips that I use to keep them in place as I walk down to the kitchen.

Breakfast is peaceful enough. I give my mum the parental safe version of the party the night before. That we went, drank way less than we did and that there was a fight between some boys ( definitely not between Fletcher and JJ and definitely not over me!). We eat those pastry's she promised she'd get last night and drink orange juice and for a second I feel like a normal teenager. And I like feeling like a normal teenager, mostly because I'm nothing like one anymore.

It doesn't last long, because soon the door rings and I go and get it — my eyes widening when the pogues are stood there, Sarah at the front as I'm soon summoned to Tanny Hill. My mum lets me go because she doesn't understand the extent of what is happening. And my chest deflated alongside my good mood and feeling of normality that she just lets me go.

And I run back, steal another pastry's that I have to fend JJ from taking from me ( although I still tear him off a bit and sneakily pass it on the walk over so the others don't catch on).

We act like last night didn't happen, at least the kiss and the arguing. We keep our vow to be friends and I can't help but notice the other's glances behind when me and JJ walk together, especially when he begins cracking jokes and I laugh because just because he's my ex doesn't mean he's not funny.

We reach Tanny Hill, Sarah is in a rush to get us upstairs — she falls between bickering with John B who haven't reached the civil stage as me and JJ yet and talking to Pope about what exactly we're about to reach.

The door opens as we all walk into the island room, a room I must have been in countless times before today yet looks completely different now. my eyes scan taking in the wallpaper either on the floor or half-ripped still clinging to the wall. Showing the draws which surround the room,

" it's been here this whole time." Sarah hums as everyone takes a look.

" no freaking way," John B chimes in as I trace my fingers against the wall, my face contorted into a state of awe but also confusion.

" Is this a map of the whole island?" I ask, looking to anyone for assurance as they all shrug their shoulders in reply, JJ appearing next to me as he points out something on the wall,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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