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" AND WHAT ARE WE THINKING?" Renee hums, exiting from the closet. Patting down the creases in the baby blue coloured lace dress she put on, doing a twirl for Jaylee who sits on the edge of her bed.

its a soft clapping of her hands that breaks a smile onto Renee's lips — it's strange, getting ready without the boys. The sound of their 'ews' when Pope and John B would walk in on Renee in her bra and the way JJ would linger in the doorway and offer his assistance before being pulled away.

No arguments of Renee asking John B if he can crop one of his tops in the name of fashion. No shotgunning of beers on the porch as the soft hum of Bob Marley fills the space. Its strange, stepping back from what has been Renee's normal for the last couple years, but then again it's the only normal JJ knows.

He was a pogue first, he knew them all first. And depending on how this break up would go, Renee might even have to revert back for her old life, or float in the middle of it all for the next year until she leaves for college.

" you look hot." Jaylee hums " you're going to have the boys swarming."

And Renee tries to smile, when in truth the only boy she wants is the one who isn't interested anymore.

The sound of the doorbell brings Renee back as she looks at Jaylee, " that'll be Sarah, I'll be back." picking up her pace as she moved down stairs and towards the front door.

The door opens revealing Sarah, looking small in the doorway as she stands like a statue. " hey, come in, jays upstairs." Renee momentarily wraps her arm around her friend.

Taking a step back and then furrowing her eyebrows when Sarah doesn't come inside,

"Sar?" she hums, looking how she flickers her gaze behind her which Renee doesn't follow.

" look if you're not up to it we don't have to go, order in pizza-" Renee begins before Sarah shakes her head.

" it's not that." She hums and looks behind her again as Renee follows her eyeline this time. Revealing Topper and Fletcher stood outside his car that is parked on Renee's driveway.

Her mouth makes a small 'o' shape, as the brunette notices her and lifts his hand into a wave. which Renee acknowledges with her small smile as she pulls her head back in and shoots Sarah a wide eyed look.

" Sarah, what's going on?" she says with a wide smile that lacks authenticity as Sarah exhales.

" I broke up with John B." she mumbles, Renee having to ask her to repeat herself because she thought she imagined it the first time.

" and when you invited me to the bonfire, topper mentioned he was going..." she tells the blonde,

Renee nods her head " so you told him that he and the boy that JJ is convinced is in love with me could come with us?" she asks as Sarah nods meekly.

" but you can't get mad at me." Sarah tells her, as Renee furrows her brows as she looks at her friend.

" and why exactly is that?" she asks as Sarah notions to the boys as she walks into the house.

" a little something called the dead dad pass." she hums as she walks past, Renee pushing her head back slightly. Blowing a breath out, already dictating that this night is going to end badly.

MAYBE THEY WONT EVEN BE THERE, is the thought that goes through Renee's mind when they eventually leave the house and get in Topper's car to drive to the bonfire.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 | outerbanks²Where stories live. Discover now