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002 | jealous boyfriend bullshit


Crept onto Renee like baddest of dreams  — who unlike the previous years , she hadn't spent the evening beforehand carefully planning out each aspect of her outfit  with the excitement of seeing everyone and especially how they had changed over the course of the three month hiatus coursing through her veins. This year her only priority was keeping her head down and getting the hell of that place as soon as the final bell rang.

One thing she hadn't missed, was the blaring of her seven am alarm as it shook both her and JJ out of their deep, dream fuelled sleep.

Both of them groaned at the sound, Renee stretching as far as her arm would reach from her position in JJ's grasp on the right side of the bed, aimlessly pressing on the screen of her phone until the sound was silenced.

" I vote skipping." was the first thing JJ said, Renee shook her head and hummed — as appetising skipping school sounded and especially hiding out on the beach and most likely surfing all day and getting high. Summer was well and truly over.

" we have to face our demons sometime." she told him as she sighed and finally opened her eyes

"and plus Kiara and Pope won't let that happen."

JJ groaned as Renee felt a slight jolt of energy, beginning to peel the duvet off of her, and JJ too as he groaned as the cold air hit his skin.

" come on, we need to get up." JJ continued to grumble, leaving Renee to get ready as he flipped over and tried to get an extra five minutes rest.

" I take like two minutes to get ready." he defended his actions, Renee just nodded and rose up walking towards the dresser and began to rummage for an outfit to wear.

her hands picking at every piece of clothing, the kook academy uniform lying pressed on a stool by her dresser. The white shirt, pleated skirt and the blue blazer. exhaling, realising how little she had missed it all.

Eyes falling to the folded blue shirt that was displayed over a chair. It was John B's, one she had grabbed from his closet out of habit, her fingers took ahold of the material.

She felt her lips curve into a smile as she lifted the shirt to her nose — although when she inhaled the scent of the shirt, what was once John B's cologne was masked by laundry detergent and the artificial cotton smell that went along with it, her smile soon fading after the realisation hit her.

Entering the bathroom to change, she could hear shuffling from outside — grumbling and the rustling of bags and duvet covers. The door was still slightly open although not enough to be able to peer into the bedroom from the mirror Renee stood infront of as she pinned her hair up with a claw clip.

Like usual, she slipped the ensemble on —
excluding the blazer which she had folded over her arm and a pair of shiny new black loather shoes ached her feet already and socks that sat just under her knees.

She had unbuttoned the first couple of the white shirt. It was still hot out, although summer vacation had left, the roaring sun and humidity was yet to. She looked at it through the inverted gaze of the mirror.

Straightening the necklaces on her neck, the padding of her thumb silently rubbing over the small 's' initial  before lifting it to her lips and gently kissing it as she shook out of her little daze and left the bathroom.

JJ too looked on edge, staring at the framed photo of the five pogues that sat on her dresser from a summer summers ago. His eyes specifically on John B as she suspected.

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