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010 | Tiffany box


━━ made a small panic dance in her mind whenever she closed her eyes, even after a few hours and being in the safety of her home, hiding under the square shower head she couldn't get the sewer out of her mind.

Renee didn't speak whilst they were dismissed by shoupe (once again) despite having the murder weapon in their hands. She stood at the back arms crossed — her friends annoyance with the police officer blurry sound until she was eventually brought back into reality by JJ tugging at her arm when she didn't follow behind them out of the office.

He was worried about her, I mean what boyfriend who had watched their girlfriend duel death wouldn't be? Hence why he sat on the closed toilet seat, watching as his girlfriend showered. He didn't sexualise it, he was looking out for her. It took minimal effort for a panic attack to hit her, if a car backfiring could, maybe a stray sounding thud of the water could take her back to this afternoon. A place she would never want to revisit.

The water; a place of one comfort that she could float in for hours was not taunted by the fear of experiencing the same dilemma as today. The feelings of helplessness, you couldn't even scream — the water made you truly and utterly alone.

She could still feel the grasp on the metal lid of drain as she held onto it. Sobbing, pleading with her friends as JJ desperately tried to get her out, her last draw of breath was telling him she loved him and the promise that she would get out of there.

" Ren?" JJ's voice caught her out, the memory on repeat in her head as she bowed her head and sobbed into her bare arms.

She was too deep in the recollection to realise she was safe, that she was home. Instead she sobbed, her breaths staggered and heavy — the fictional weight on her shoulders growing more strenuous as the seconds passed.

JJ stepped into the shower, despite still wearing his shorts he didn't give the damp clothing a second thought as he turned his girlfriend around, the sound of his cries aching his heart as she just held onto him. Her tears mixing with the water from the shower head that hadn't been turned off yet.

" I'm here." he spoke in a whisper, Renee only clenching onto him tighter as his voice began breaking the barriers of her mind " you're ok, you're home and you're safe." he relayed to her what she already knew.

a gentle kiss pressed into the top of her head, the taste of the shampoo she was yet to wash out remaining on his lips.

Renee felt broken, but with JJ she felt like the pieces were being glued back together again.


━━ Renee said to JJ as he sat on the bed watching as she pulled her hoodie over her head. he looked hesitant to let her go — having taken the responsibility of looking after his girlfriend upon himself after a non successful visit to the police station again.

She had been quiet, and not a slightly distressed quiet just mute — even whilst the pogues fought back and forth with the sheriff Renee who was still covered in sewage and reeling from having almost drowned stood in the background. A slight numbness overtaking her.

" I can come with." JJ offered once again, Renee shook her head " I'm fine J, and I don't think you and Fletcher get along well."

Her plan was to thank him, for today and genuinely make amends — bridge their past with their separate futures. Make things less awkward at school and any time they would run into one another after those six hours.

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