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005 | spitballing


━━ driving Kiara's car on the way to see supposedly the only viable person in Kildare county to prove John B's innocence who wasn't supposed to be in a psych ward right now (Ward and Rafe Cameron.)

Renee and JJ sat in the back, with Pope and Kiara up front — as they drove over the bridge Popes theory's continued whirling around the car ,

" if this guy flew planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Renee nodded, her peripheral vision noticing jj reach into his backpack — soon pulling out his gun.

" so then direct approach gets my vote." The sound of the gun clicking made the three others look at him in a slight horror.

" JJ, no." Pope pointed at the gun in JJ's lap, as if a parent pointing out to their child that what they were doing was wrong.

" put the gun down man!" he continued as JJ and Renee looked wide eye at him.

" guys! We gotta keep this simple or we'll never get John B off!" the emotion his voice, allowed Renee to reach out — taking his hand in hers and rubbing her thumb against the back of his hand.

" we're gonna get him off the hook, he's going to come home." Renee told him.

Both their attention turned to pope who was already planning what they were going to do when they got to Gavin's house.

"Or we just tickle the wire."

" what?" Renee asked, looking at pope who gave her an almost hopeless look.

" we tickle the wire." the girls confusion which still remained meant he had to go into further detail,

"I plant my phone in his car, and then we listen in on your AirPods." pushing the earphones into his ears, before hovering the phone towards Kiara.

" say something."

" something."

Pope pulled the phone away slightly, kiara words echoing in his ear only a few moments later — relieved he smiled,

" ok we have audio."

The car pulled up a few yards from the man's actual house, Renee being able to point it out as they drove down the road.

Pope took out his AirPods, looking at each of his friends as he prepared to get out, " honk or, uh..yell  or something if you see anything suspicious."

" just don't do anything dangerous." Kiara told him, concern clear in her voice — JJ and Renee sharing a look at witnessing the couple-ness between them.

Pope scoffed " I'm not JJ.", Kiara and Renee smiled and even let out a hint of laughter whereas JJ nodded with his lips tight in a unamused line.

" really funny pope." his words didn't fit the monotone blankness of his voice leaning back, as Pope left the car and beginning to creep towards the back of the house.

Kiara was focused on watching for any potential threats towards Popes plan. Whereas Renee and JJ smirked before leaning forward in the car to look at the brunette.

" so Kie, how's it been going with the whole Piara situation?" Renee hummed, Kiara soon whipping her head back to face the giddy looking blonde girl as she furrowed her eyebrows,

" the whole what now?"

" with you and pope...and all that stuff?" JJ continued as Renee just smiled at her friend who turned her head back.

"It's good." Renee let her smile drop in a lack of details that were given concerning their relationship as both her and JJ knew nothing of it.

A silence took them over for a bit, Renee turning and looking at JJ — their eyes met and she could help but be silently urging him to continue the conversation about their friends relationship.

JJ hummed, seemingly understanding what Renee was asking him. " In the bedroom is he, like kinda freaky," he asked, once again spiking Kiara's interest as she turned her head again.

" cause it's pope, you know?" Renee mentally wanted to face palm, clearly releasing JJ hasn't understood what she has said.

Kiara flickered her eyes between the two blondes, before finally landing permanently on JJ.

" why are you asking?" she asked honestly, staring at him with beady eyes. Her face disgruntled as she turned back slowly.

" I don't know just kin-kinda curious." Renee silently shook her head as JJ spoke, but even as he acknowledged her gaze he still continued to ramble.

" just spitballing here".

Kiara kept her haze straight out the driver window "you don't need to spitball, we could sit in silence."

Renee hummed I'm agreement, resting her hand on JJ's thigh " yeah....I think that's a good idea."

After a few moments of silence the small amount of relief that entered Renee's body was short-lived as yet again JJ's mouth opened.

" it's just ... ranking wise-" he began as both his girlfriend and friend turned at him with slightly frustrated and wide eyes.

" oh?" Kiara spoke shortly " you're still asking?"

JJ beginning to imitate with his hands as he nodded " yeah I was just curious."

Renee rolled her eyes " you're still curious?" 

Yet; neither of the girls were prepared for what he said next.

" is John B better?" his words spluttered our amidst his nervousness which was rightly thought as both the girls stared at him with bemusement. Not sure if he had just said what he said.

" omg JJ!" Renee huffed, lightly slapping his leg as he stared wide eyes at his girlfriend.

" you can't ask people that stuff!" she exclaimed, slightly shocked that he would even ask " not even to Kie."

" ok then...Renee?" Kiara turned further around to face the blonde girl who was slightly confused why she was being pulled into this conversation.

" who's better?" Kiara squinted her eyes at JJ as she let the question tumble from her lips " JJ...or Fletcher?"

It was clear JJ's face just sunk. Renee's lips parted as she looked down to the floor of the car— not even daring to meet the gaze of her boyfriend who was watching and even waiting for her to answer.

JJ felt his stomach tense in some nauseating way. As the only words that left her girlfriends lips were simply:

"not cool Kie."

JJ felt sick. There was no jump to defence like there would be if the question was opposing and JJ was asked to choose between Renee and one of his exes which actually stood the test of the span of summer.

JJ felt sick that even an inkling of his girlfriend still had feelings for Fletcher. That even despite how much she loved JJ, a tiny piece of her still loved him.

Renee turned to face her boyfriend, his facial expression glum as she went to reach for him — unsurprisingly he edged away from the receive of her touch.

Now her face fell, eyes softened with the same nauseating feeling in her stomach also.

" JJ-" she began before the passenger aide door opened, Pope slid in unaware of the awkward tension between everyone.

" phase one is complete." His pride in himself soon fizzled out as he finally acknowledged the situation. How distanced Renee and JJ looked despite being next to each other and how guilt ridden Kiara looked.

" everything— we all good?" he asked, noticing how the blonde girl was now anxiously playing with the frayed threads of her woven jewellery.

Silence. That's all there was.

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