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006 | tickle the wire


━━ Renee whispered to JJ who was sat next to her yet he felt a thousand miles away. He was leant to the side, looking out of the window with his hands in his lap.  Ignoring her, his body language shut off — meaning he wasn't ready to talk yet.

She huffed at the silence he gave her. The cold shoulder was even more bitter after the summer, JJ continued to fixate his gaze anywhere but his girlfriend who was losing momentum in trying to both reconcile and also explain herself properly.

It had been an hour or two since Pope had planted one of his earphones in Gavins car. The sun had fully set and they were still sat in Kiara's car waiting for further instructions -- despite those instructions being delayed due to half of their team being on non-speaking terms.

"Ok," pope turned around to face the blondes in the back, the slight frustration in his voice was enough to even reel in JJ's longing gaze directed towards the lamppost. " I understand that you two are currently experiencing marital issues...but are you willing to put that aside to bring John B and Sarah home?"

Renee nodded, although knowing she had nothing to feel guilty for and complied instead of stemming another argument for the night. There was too much at stake: John B and Sarah's survival and innocent foremost but also the guartentee that Ward Cameron would have to pay for his many crimes. The death of Vincent Lowe being one of the countless he had spent using threats and money to try and cover up.

JJ gave a disgruntled groan and simple nod before putting his hand out to retrieve the phone that Pope was passing from behind the console of the front of the car. JJ letting out yet another disgruntled sound when Pope handed it to Renee instead of him.

"Now hold on." JJ looked to Pope who didn't  look in the mood for anymore of his whining tonight " Why does Ren get to tickle?"

Pope shrugged his shoulder " she's the best tickler." he replied nonchalantly giving no other reason for JJ to complain for the night.

Renee looked up to Pope for guidance , slightly confused on what she should do " So should I do like an accent or something?"

"Yeah," he hummed " definitely try and disguise your voice."

She faked a cough, conjuring up a false British accent as she spoke " like this?"

" no, definitely not like that." pope told her, and Kiara's comment followed the same reference lines — Renee nodded her head,

" I think I'm just going to use my normal voice, this man doesn't know who I am." she huffed, shushing her friends who continued to speak and pressed the dial button on the phone.

She shuddered slightly, even after her escapades the previous month that made threatening someone over the phone look like child's play — Renee still felt nervous.

" hello." he spoke casually, obviously not having expected to be answering a call made from his front garden.

"Is Gavin there?" Renee asked, clearing her throat and looking up to Kiara showing her thumbs up in encouragement.

"This is Gavin, who is this?" Renee didn't know what to say, her mouth open yet no words came out "hello?"

" I know what happened on the tarmac!" she told him, out of anger. Anger conjured up from the fact that her friend had been falsely accused of this crime when everyone in that car, including gavin on the phone knew was a lie.

" who's this?" he faked laughter, an obvious attempt to fool who else was in the room with him.

" it was Rafe Cameron who shot peterkin." she spoke with confidence " but you already knew that."

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