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012 | boarding school blues

━━ stroking Benji's fur as his head sat on her lap, the drive to far had been consumed by both Kiara and Renee bitching about their parents who were planning on sending them off to boarding school.

He didn't like the water, Renee could tell that by the way he was cuddled up close to her and would whine every time their was a slight movement shift as the ferry continued it's approach from the island to the mainland.

" my parents are so paranoid of me being a pogue." Kiara stated " like it's the worst thing that could ever happen." She said, sat on the side of the trunk as Renee nodded.

" and then my mom just can't be assed to deal with me anymore." Renee exhaled, " so she's using that pogue excuse as well."

JJ, who was sat above Renee on the roof of the truck inputted " hey, I heard they got good weed at boarding school though." he hummed, continuing to roll up his blunt.

" I'm not going to boarding school." Kiara told him as Renee looked at her " I don't think we're being given a choice Kie."

" well then, they're gonna have to kidnap us, tie us up," she began to list " and throw us into a van."

The blonde smiled slightly " knowing my mom, that's definitely happening." — continuing to stroke Benji's fur.

Popes eyes looked up, watching the girl " Ren?" he asked. Renee looking up and humming as her reply.

" why'd you bring Benj?" he asked, referring to the golden retriever who was asleep on her lap. Renee rolled her eyes " this is a pogue mission, and he is a pogue." she told him.

" yeah pope, that's my son right there." JJ told him, making Renee grin as Pope's eyebrows furrowed again.

" you're child is a dog?" he quizzed bemused, as Renee chuckled " he's blonde isn't he?" she replied to her friend.

" well, I say," JJ hummed, moving down to sit stand beside his girlfriend, inhaling the blunt " we just crumble some herb right now."

JJ slid down, sitting besides Renee who showed him a sweet smile, pecking his lips softly before her cheek sat on his shoulder.

" hey kie." pope turned his attention to the brunette opposite him " have you tried to hit John B back on that number yet?"

She shook her head " like, twenty million times." she claimed, " that's quite a few times." JJ inputted, chuckling at his comment.

" some random lady at a hotel keeps answering." she told them " well until we hear from them again we gotta try and clear his name."

They all nodded, agreeing " right now, this letters our best bet."

" right, stay on task." JJ said, nodding his head it being clear to his girlfriend that his high was beginning to hit him. " that's why I love ya Pope."

Renee watched as Kiara stood up, taking a step and a half before extending her arm to offer the blunt to Pope " what Pope are you gonna be today?"

Pope considered it for a second or two before shaking his head " I'm good, I'm gonna try to focus."

Kiara looked slightly dissatisfied " Good Pope, Boring Pope." she stated, moving to sit down opposite JJ and Renee as she offered it to the blonde girl as well.

Renee also shook her head " there's a lot going on up here right now." she told her, her finger pointed to her brain " I think crumbling herb will just make it worse." she hummed.

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