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" IS THAT OK? AM I HURTING YOU?" Renee asked, placing a bandaid on the cut that sat on the left side of Heyward's head — yet another victim of Limbrey and her attempts on convincing Pope to give her the key.

" no, you're doing just fine." the older man reassured the blonde girl who sadly smiled as she smoothed the edges with her fingers to adhere it to his head. Wiping an antiseptic wipe over the edges that the plaster covered, collecting remnants of his blood " and...done." she told him.

" thank you darlin," Heyward smiled at the girl who hummed " that boyfriend of yours is a lucky one."

Silence. The group looked over at one another in an array of awkward gazes, Renee lifting her gaze to the blonde boy who was looking back at her, lips downturned and eyes slightly doey. The person who embodied the raw ache that now in her body.

Renee loved his eyes and hated seeing them so sad, that's why she looked away quickly and instead gave Heyward a small smile before stepping to the side, to Sarah who held her hand out for the girl to take.

Pope soon stood over his father, his face a picture of concern " Pop, what happened?" he asked, worry flurrying in his voice as his dad kept his gaze off of his son.

" Oh, I should've known better." He told them "he came in just as I was about to lock up, caught me by surprise."

He began to retail the encounter " once he had me down, he put his knee in my chest." Renee felt slightly sickened by the violent image being painted before her

" and he asked me about that...that..that..that key from that drawing you showed me." the older man stuttered.

" and in case you were wondering." Renee looked up, " I ain't tell him nothing."he told them and Renee could help but feel a slight upturn of her lips in admiration of his bravery.

He looked at his son, " Now, did you track it down?" he asked. Pope looking to the blonde girl who furrowed her eyebrows slightly, the boy reaching into his back pocket before presenting a key to his dad.

" I found it in mee-maw's old apartment above the pharmacy just like you said it was."

Heyward exhale " shit boy you should've gave this to me." He told him " I wouldn't had to take a beating."

" what's the big deal? It ain't worth anything, why they want it so bad?" He looked around to the group, all as clueless as one another.

" I don't know, first I get this letter telling me I need to go to Charleston." He recalls the events of the last week to his dad " and then I meet a rich lady who wants me to give her a key and I didn't even know was in my family."

Renee shook her head " none of it makes any sense."

Heyward looked up the girl " well, don't y'all just sit here whining about it." He told them " figure it out!"

Pope shook his head, adamant " no. I'm just gonna give the key to the lady, it's not worth—"

Heyward began a string of 'no's', cutting off his son " did I raise you to back down from a fight boy?"

Pope shook his head " no, sir."

His dad nodded, " well, all right now I didn't think about it before I admit that." He told him "but now.."  he pointed his finger to the bandage.

" I'm interested." He informed the group " well, did they why they wanted it?"

Pope leant in slightly " something about an old cross, I think it might be some kind of lost treasure."

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