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016 | feeling sorry for yourself

" MOM PLEASE!" Renee pushed her hands together, almost pleading. It had been almost forty eight hours since John B was arrested and it had only been ten minutes since Renee had arrived back at Thornbury house after disappearing for Charleston. Asking her mom for her help after leaving John B's hearing, where she more or less screamed at Ward Cameron who called her brainwashed and had asked her to come to 'some sense'.

Caroline shook her head, a permanent state of disbelief contorted on her face as she looked at her daughter. " you are seriously unbelievable Renee!" she scolded her daughter.

" Ok, mom I'm sorry I didn't call or didn't text." she grovelled " I'm sorry really but I need your help right now."

A scoff let the woman's mouth as she stood up from her position at the kitchen, " and do you know what I needed Renee?" she rose her voice " I needed my daughter to answer one of my millions of calls, just one." Her finger pointed at her daughter who could notice the slight tremble of her lip, the same sad pout she had.

" I needed my daughter to let me know she was ok, that she was alive on the trip that she lied to me about!" Renee crossing her arms as she exhaled, feeling the guilt of her lies catching up to her,

" I only lied because you wouldn't of let me go, you don't like John B or any of my others friends so much so you'll send me out of the county to keep us away from one another!"

" because he's a murderer!" Renee hadn't heard her mom scream like that in a while, never-mind at her who felt her eyes widen. "You're so out of control Renee, I thought therapy would help but it's them, it's your friends it's J-"

" don't you say that!" Renee called back, her tone harsh " do not bring JJ into this, this idea you have of him is not who he is! if you tried to get to know him for like one minute." Renee declared as Caroline rolled her eyes.

" why do you think I've let him stay here, let him sleep in your room in your bed?" Renee stood silent as her mom exhaled " I've been trying to hard to adjust our lives so he's in it and you're happy, but you're just-" the older women pushed her hands through her hair.

" I can't do it anymore Renee." She exhaled, Renee furrowing her eyebrows " you're dad-" she started and Renee could feel her eyes water.

" he'd be so disappointed, If he walked through that door right now I don't think he'd even recognise you and if he did,  I know he wouldn't like what he would see."

Renee's heart ached, the lemon of her moms words sending blistering pain into the wounds of Renee's were her dads death had left. The seventeen years olds face contouring with gritted teeth and silent tears falling down her face,

" fuck you mom, you don't wanna take care of me anymore?" she seethed " I'll leave then, it's not like I like being here at all."

Renee couldn't show her aching heart as she turned around, trying to contain her sobs as she walked up the staircase to her bedroom. Wiping her eyes once the door closed, letting out a small wail as she began to pack up clothes, her wash bag filled with random shit that she could see herself needing through her blurry eyes.

She wiped her eyes, turning to notice Benji sat in the doorway. His tongue still poking out, excited to the see his owner. She had a small smile on her face "hiya boy." she bent down on one knee as she welcomed the dog into her arms, stroking his fur as his tail wagged.

" Benj, look." she whispered, grabbing the four legged creatures attention " I've gotta go away for a little bit, but Lennon's gonna take care of you ok?"

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