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003 | international number

━━ Renee didn't really know what to say to Fletcher. What do you say to your ex boyfriend who you haven't seen since you're breakup.

So she kept driving, eyes on the road, fingers gripped tightly around the wheel — bleeding both what would have been a silence with the smooth mellow of the Kildare radio channel.

" so.." Fletcher turned, his left arm leant against the side of the car — eyes looking to Renee as she awkwardly turned too and smiled " so you and Maybank huh, when was that a a thing?"

Renee exhaled " since the summer, but we'd been friends for a while before." Fletcher nodded, " god the Renee I knew wouldn't be caught dead being friends with a pogue."

" yeah well." The blonde hummed " the Renee you knew doesn't exist anymore."

And the silence ensued for a moment or two, until Fletcher sighed again " why is it weird between us, I haven't seen you in years Ren."

The blonde scoffed as she turned into the other street " that's probably because you broke up with me to date aspiring broadway actors in New York."

Fletcher clicked his tongue, slightly annoyed " that's not true, come on Ren you painting me out as some sort of villain here."

Renee nodded, " we were what? Fifteen." he added " as much as I wanted to stay together, I was too young to be in a long distance relationship."

Renee looked at him, throwing glances between him and the road " but if you spent the last couple years thinking I did that, I'm sorry." he apologised.

Renee let her lips curve into a small smile. Not saying anything more as they pulled into the school, parking up — there was already people it there, lingering and catching up with those who had spent the holidays out of the county.

She didn't want to leave the car. She would put it off as long as she could. That's why when she turned off the engine and Fletcher began to reach for the passenger door, she sat there. Eyes slightly widened as she started at the old stone building which was in her own embodiment of hell.

" hey," the sound of Fletcher's voice made the blonde turn to face him, " what's up?"

Renee shook her head " nothing, you head in." she told him " I just need a little longer."

Fletcher shook his head " I'll wait for you." he hummed, " I haven't spoken to these people for probably as long as you have."

Renee snorted " but your best friend wasn't accused of killing people, and you weren't the person saw as his accomplice." she huffed, as Fletcher nodded.

" these people don't know you the way I do." he said " and don't you think sitting in this car is just going to feed them more suspicions?"

Renee hummed, " I don't have anything to prove to them, I know the truth." she declared " even if they don't."

After a second or two, Fletchers hand was out for her — Renee's gaze looking up from his open palm to his eyes that smiled at her.

" come on, don't let them get the better of you."

Renee stayed silent for second, and despite her mental pleas just to return home. She nodded, momentarily interlocking her hands with Fletcher's with a small smile " fine." she huffed.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 | outerbanks²Where stories live. Discover now