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014 | Reunion

" OH MY GOD, YOU'RE ALIVE!", stood on the boat after escape from both the Limbrey boy and whoever John B and Sarah had managed to piss off in their half hour being back in Carolina. Renee's arms wrapped around John B's torso, fighting the tears in her eyes as they touched.

He laughed to himself " you've come to that conclusion like fifteen times already." he hummed, but like the fourteen other times she had hugged him, his arms still wrapped around her shoulders.

" uh..happy birthday by the way." he smiled as Renee choked on the happy tears as she pulled away and wiped her eyes. A chuckle leaving her mouth as she did so.

" you of all people didn't have to remember my birthday ." she sympathised as the brunette cheekily grinned with a humble shrug " I did promise I'd make your seventeenth better than the sixteenth."

Her heart swelled, he had remembered. She didn't say anything before hugging him again, a little shorter this time. Before pulling away and turning around to face everyone who was watching the two interact. Sarah playing with Benji who had seemingly found a new favourite of Renee's friends as they drifted along the ocean.

She took the hand her boyfriend offered her momentarily , before sitting beside the other blonde girl who looked up with a small smile on her face noticing Renee " hi." she spoke sheepishly. Renee positioning herself with her knees huddled to her chest as she turned her head.

Renee smiled, her hand reaching out for hers " hi." Sarah intertwining their fingers as she exhaled,

" I've missed you, you know?" Sarah told Renee who couldn't fight the growing of her smile, "I'm not surprised, you had John B's winey ass as your only company for the last two months."

Sarah chuckled, " I can hear you, you know!" John B called over to the other end of the boat, Renee rose her middle finger up to show him. Laugher came from the other three pogues.

Her eyes lingered down to the blood stained jean shorts and poking gauze that sat on her lower stomach, " Bahamas were crazy huh?" Renee huddled her legs to her chest as Sarah looked down acknowledging it as well with a small wince.

" We tried to get the gold back." She told her, face falling slightly as she took a breath" and..my brother shot me."

Renee felt her eyes widen as she looked up and met Sarah's gaze with pursed lips " Rafe, did that do you?" she asked, getting a small nod from the girl.

Her hand reaching out to Sarah's, gently intertwining their fingers as Sarah smiled softly. Her eyes lingering done to the small 's' pendant that sat on her chest.

" did you get a necklace with my initial?" she asked, slight sweetness in her tone as Renee looking down and hummed " I missed you too you know?" Sarah looked teary eyed as she smiled back at Renee.

"If I wasn't in so much pain." she laughed, although it still slightly struck Renee with concern " I think I'd hug you right now."

TWO THINGS HAD BEEN ESTABLISHED SINCE ARRIVING BACK IN THE OBX, That they were going the party and they were going to party hard. Under JJ's philosophy of ' stupid things have good outcomes all the time' and mixed with Renee's pleading with the excuse of ' but its my birthday' the group were soon driving the boat to the nearest liquor store which didn't even question the two blonde teenagers who lovingly strolled in, picked up a couple cases of beer and flashed the local a wide smile when she passed over her id (fake..of course). Wishing her a good day before they strolled back onto the boat, the rest applauding Renee for her Oscar worthy performance.

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