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013 | Edge of Seventeen

SEVENTEEN. Renee hated feeling of another change in her life looming over her. Even if she didn't feel different physically and it was practically a simple written change in her life. She despised it — hence why she wasn't as happy for her birthday as she once used to be.

Her mind couldn't falter from this time last year, the simpler time where she was woken up to a poorly decorated boxed vanilla cake made by John B whilst he sung to her crouched by the bed until she had conjured up enough sleepy strength to blow out the few candles that John B had managed to find in the drawers of the kitchen.

The two were soon accompanied by the other pogues who had all been persuaded (some taking more than others) to skip school and spend the day on HMS pogue in the marsh drinking beers and dancing to the music that came out of Renee's phone. The night ended with John B challenging himself with the impossible task of making her seventeenth better than her sixteenth.

And where was she now? lying in the back of Heyward's truck, no where near home — using a sheer blanket as a way to keep her warm whilst JJ's head rested on her shoulder and Benji slept down by her feet. Staring at the blank blueness of the sky, just knowing if her phone wasn't out of battery and if this place in the middle of nowhere had service she would have been receiving an abundance of calls and messages  from both her mom, brother, Fletcher and maybe even Jaylee.

She was at least a day late than she said she would be. in her head, her mom was already packing up her belongings and would be taking her to boarding school the next time she stepped into the house. It was a fate she had accepted but was not ready to live through.

JJ turned over, fading away from her. Another snore leaving his lips — Renee smiled, sitting herself up before pushing his hair out of his face. Another thing she was not ready to leave, knowing how long distance relationships had worked for her lasts time.

Renee quietly slipped her shoes back on, woke Benji and began to walk down the strip of grass that lined the road they were camped out on for the night. Not straying far from the others as she watched the dog run up and down the grassy area.

A yawn escaped her lips as she crossed her arms, feeling her skin tingle as a pair of hands cupped over her eyes. " guess who?" he asked.

Of course she knew exactly who it was, the scent of their faded cologne had been inhaled by her all night. It was a scent that was home to her, taking over the smell of the ocean when she woke up. Because most mornings she woke up with JJ now.

She leant back, her back gently colliding with his chest " Harry styles, have you finally decided you're in love with me?" she fakes an exclaim.

JJ's hands moved from her eyes, and slipped down to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer and allowing his chin to sit comfortably on her shoulder.

" happy birthday pretty girl." he whispered, pressing a kiss to her cheek as Renee moved her own hands to sit over his, intertwining their fingers.

" I'm surprised you remembered." she grinned, JJ faking a scoff " it's a shame we're stuck here, I had a whole day planned."

Renee hummed, letting him continue " yeah, five course meal with a string quartet." he joked as Renee exhaled.

" so I'm translation," she concluded " burgers and fries on my dock and whatever music plays when I shuffled my playlist."

JJ chuckled " exactly." pressing another miss to her cheek as Renee sighed " sounds like a dream."

Renee was turned around by JJ, now facing him as he slung his bag from over his shoulder to be be able to reach into his bag.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 | outerbanks²Where stories live. Discover now