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008 | it's so fucked up


━━ and shoupe wasn't happy, stood in front of the three teenagers who still after forty five minutes had droplets of water falling from their clothing.

Gavin was gone. His body, the blood — all evidence that Ward was even here at all, either cleaned up by Ward himself or by the elements.

" look, it was right here." Kiara pointed at the floor that they were stood on " and this is where that maniac claimed his next victim!" she told shoupe who looked fed up with the teenagers, like a dissapointed father.

" uh-huh, his next victim." his voice drawled out in boredom, " right, how long ago did you say it happened?" 

Renee's arms folded as she replied " around forty five minutes ago, I'm not sure exactly ."

" okay." he jotted it down in his small pad " and so ward cameron just popped one off and shot him?"

The four nodded, the girls being only ones to speak "yes."

" execution style?" his question almost mocking the teenagers " and then clean it all up in forty-five minutes?"

" shoupe, I know it sounds weird." Renee huffed, gesturing pope " but Pope filmed it all, on this old shitty camcorder."

Shoupes eyes rose to look at Pope, slightly shocked "you filmed it?"

" yes, but then ward clocked us and then we had to get away before we were also done executioner style." Renee began to rush " and then Kie stepped on JJ's hand, he kicked Pope and the thing broke!" Her breath running thin by the time she had finished her sentence.

" sir, this is a telephoto, and we needed to get a long-distance image and..and-" pope stuttered " and I fell and it broke so the video is basically unusable."

" but we were there and were wit-" shoupe rolled his eyes, cutting pope off before he had fully finished.

" so the dog ate your homework?" he snapped, Renee shaking her head and soon butting in.

" ok shoupe, I understand you think we're just some grieving kids trying to find any reason to undo the tarnishing of their dead best friends name." Renee told him, " and I know it sounds crazy because it is fucking insane!"

" I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this?" his gaze scattered around the three of them as they watched their faith in Shoupe fall even lower "you drag me out here in the middle of the night, for a whole lot of nothing."

" no it's not nothing!" Kiara rose her voice, although like always shoupe took zero notice " except for some crazy stories about how ward Cameron's out on a random killing spree."

A reaction of outrage spread between the three of them, Renee staying quiet as she shook her head,

" this is not some random killing spree." Pope stated " Gavin was his pilot, ok he was paying him hush money because he was on the tarmac that day!"

" Gavin was blackmailing ward, threatening to bring in the gun used to kill peterkin if he didn't pay him more!" Renee continued further, JJ soon stepping in " he called him here and tried to pay him off, but it wasn't enough and then, so he shot him."

" with the murder weapon!" JJ explained, Renee placing one of her hands on his shoulder as Shoupe look bemused at what had just left their mouths collectively.

After a few seconds, shoupe spoke " how do you know that?"

" pope did this thing with his phone, he like, put it in his car and-" Kiara stammered, Pope looking at Shoupe " I heard their whole conversation."

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