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007 | lord of the dorks


━━ the four of them sat like sitting ducks, waiting in Kiara's car to strike.

" hey," JJ began to unzip his jacket and take it off, offering it to the blonde who was not dressed in weather appropriate clothing considering it was now raining and John B's shirt was the only thing protecting her from the elements. " take this."

Renee looked up from the floor where she packing up her backpack before the pursuit of Ward Cameron and Gavin's meet up.

" what about you?" she replied, noticing he was as little amount of waterproof clothing as her " have you seen the rain? J you'll get sick."

JJ shrugged so casually, his hand clenching the jacket still extended to Renee as he shrugged,

" I'd rather it be me than you."

Renee felt her heart skip, smiling as she nodded. Moving a lively closer to take it — her face edging as her pursed lips pushed against his cheek,

" thank you." her tone so sweet, even in the middle of a dispute the boy couldn't help but smile yet still attempted to disguise it with a simple nod.

Renee did as she was asked, sliding her arms into the hoodie before zipping it up and smiling at her friends, who were waiting on her " ok, I'm ready." She let out a breathe.

Following her friends as they all exited the car a street away from ward's construction sight. Following Pope who had quickly popped home to grab his camera recorder? Why they could just use their phones, Renee didn't know but her friend was adamant that this would work.

The rumbling of thunder that almost swallowed the air around them and the occasional strikes of lightning made Renee feel more creeped out that she originally was. Especially more than the fact she was about to face her fathers alleged killer since the day of Sarah's funeral, the Lowe's had given their condolences but Renee could only look at the man for a few seconds without feeling violent ill.

She knew ward had done something to her dad. It was all too sudden — the timeline of the royal merchant falling through, the mere weeks between her and John B's dads death, both known associates of Wards. Even without proof, it all made sense.

The four of them huddled behind a fence that was the exit to one of the back alleys — Renee's fingers overlapped the top of the fence, trying to look into what was happening. Which at that current moment was nothing.

" nice camera, where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ asked pope who turned his head from his recording.

" why don't you just use your phone?" He continued, Renee humming a ' that's what I've been asking'  in reply to her boyfriend.

" well first of all," he said, switching his gazes to the blondes on the left of him " I like my antique electronics."

" and second of all, this is a telephoto." Renee noticed JJ mimicking Pope as he began to ramble, a smile rose to her lips as she jokingly nudged him with her elbow.

" it allows me to get a close image from far away." Kiara shook her head, naming Pope ' lord of the dorks.'

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass." JJ scoffed at Popes words brining all attention back to him.

" have you seen Ren's phone, that shit could get clear photos of Saturn from here." the girl rolled her eyes and nudged him again, just a little bit harder this time.

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