Chapter 12

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"Can we sleep over?" Lillian asked

"You know very well T wouldn't allow that" Molly said in a duh tone

"But he's not here" Lillian said

"What if he showed up?" Fiona pointed out "I can't risk it guys sorry" she shook her head

The three girls were currently in the living room

Fiona was with Molly on the couch facing the TV while Lillian sat on the one which faced the window

"I don't get it" Lillian started "we've been together for like three years and he still doesn't trust us with his things" she threw her hands in the air

"That's T for you" Molly chuckled

"You just have to understand him guys ...he has a hard time coping up with our species after what happened" Fiona said

"It's been four years though" Molly said "it's high time he moves on"

"Uh-huh" Lillian nodded in agreement

"Trust me he's moved on, he just has his walls up protecting himself" Fiona said in a sad tone

"It doesn't look like he's moved on though" Molly shrugged "I mean he'd have at least shown interest in someone but now"

"You know he's moved on Molly" Fiona backed her brother

"He hasn't been with any girl since Gwen, I'm gonna believe it when I see him with a girl" Molly said with finality

Molly was convinced Tyler hadn't gotten over his ex, she hadn't seen him with any girl for as long as she knew him. That was proof enough that Tyler was head over heels with Gwen

His walls were always up whenever a female was in the room, Fiona was an exception

The only way Molly was going to believe Tyler was over his ex was if he got himself a girlfriend which he wasn't going to do anytime soon

"Tyler isn't a girls person" Fiona said

Molly shrugged

"What T needs, is someone he already knows" Lillian said "someone he can trust easily and that is obviously me since Molly is taken"

Molly laughed

"We all know how that ended honey" Molly chortled "Alex isn't taken either that makes it the two of you"

"She's definitely competition" Lillian mutters "but she's new so I have an advantage" she says proudly

"It's a losing game for both of you, why don't you go for Mte, he's hot and good looking as well" Molly suggested

"Hmm you might be right" Fiona agreed

"He isn't bad" Lillian gave it a thought "I'll put that in mind" she nods as she smiled

"Speaking of Alex, where's she?" Molly asked

"Loui" Fiona said empathizing the name

"Who is this Loui though" Lillian shuffled on her sit giving all her full attention to Fiona

"I'm not sure but she's been spending time with him a lot" Fiona said

Alex had been mentioning the name a lot lately making Fiona very curious, she hoped this Loui wasn't the one she was thinking about

"I saw him with a guy yesterday though, he looked very familiar" Molly said

"Really?" Fiona furrowed her eyebrows

"Yeah, they looked really close but I'm sure I've seen the guy somewhere"

"That's odd" Fiona faked nonchalance

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