Chapter 9

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Monday came in the blink of an eye and Alex was up before the clock hit 06:30

Getting out of the bathroom, an orange towel wrapped loosely around her body she walked in the walk-in closet

She stood in the mirror and looked at her lips the peck in her mind. Slowly her thoughts led her somewhere else

Alex wondered how a certain someone's lips would feel on hers

She rolled her eyes as she pushed back the thought and her eyes landed on the envelope her father told her to open once he was gone


She walked to the wide chair and picked it up

Alex stared at it, it felt a bit heavy for her liking, she sat down immediately not wanting to waste anymore time

She opened the envelope smartly and her eyes widened at what was inside

The keys of the silver Mercedes Benz his father used to drive her there was there waiting and longing for her touch

"Omg" she squealed

She took out the keys and jumped up and down in happiness before rushing outside the room to find her phone

She dialed her father's number as soon as she found it and waited for him to pick up the call

"Hey Angel" Nathan said

"Thank you so much Papa" she said happily

"I take it you opened the envelope" he smiled

She laughed in happiness her grin not able to leave her face

"I thought it was high time you had your own, do you like it?"

"I love it dad" she beamed

"I'm glad you do, it's new just in case you think it's not arrived the day I drove you there"

"I love you Dad" she grinned and giggled

"I love you too little noodle" he said "I gotta go okay, I'll talk to you soon"

"Alright, bye dad"


She jumped in excitement for a few minutes after the call before going to dress up


Alex was currently in the kitchen quietly making breakfast for three

She boiled Irish potatoes and added some mayonnaise when the potatoes were ready

She served herself and put the rest in a food warmer before taking her hot milk and plate to the living room

She placed the food on the table and said a short prayer before she started digging in

Alex was sipping her milk when the doorbell rang

Sighing she got up to open the door

Who visits people at this time of the day

"Well that was quick- Alex?"

Mtendere stood in front of her shocked

"Mte" Alex said excitedly

She put her arms up for a hug but hesitated, this was the second time they were meeting, she felt awkward showing her excitement to see him for a second

Either way she was happy somebody she knew was on Tyler's doorstep

Mtendere chuckled as he pulled her in for a hug erasing all the awkwardness

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