Chapter 31

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Again if someone three years ago was going to tell him that a girl would be sleeping two feet away from him in his bed, he'd look at that person and walk away

He never wanted to involve himself with any girl after Gwen, what she did ruined everyone for him or so he thought

Fate had other plans

Looking at Alex's back he closed his eyes trying to sleep again for the second time that night

Suddenly Alex was facing him smiling, he smiled back

"I like you Tyler" she said

He couldn't hold back the grin that threatened to show on his face

He was about to touch her face when suddenly she backed away and got off the bed

He looked up confused to find her in Louis's arms

"But I like him better" she leaned her head on his chest

"What?" He whispered hurt seeping in

"No!" He whisper screamed as he sat upright opening his eyes

He looked beside him only to find Alex's body slightly rising up and down peacefully sleeping

He sighed as he looked at nothing in particular, everyday his dreams found a new way to torment him

He was very sleepy but he wasn't in the mood for the new types of nightmares he had started dreaming

Laying back on the bed, he looked at Alex once again

What if-

Would it?

Whatever he was thinking was risky, it was something he wished to do for a long time

Slowly he stretched his arm and reached hers, he slowly pulled her to him and she snuggled into him

Warmness filled his heart as he closed his eyes

"I hope you understand in the morning" he whispered as sleep took over him


Alex stirred and turned as she felt light on her face

Is it morning already?

She slowly opened her eyes fluttering them in the process, she frowned as she saw the view outside the wall length window

That's weird

Had the window in her room suddenly shifted to the left? She sat upright quickly scanning the room

I don't have a TV in my room

Soon the events of last night sipped in her mind one by one

"Good morning" he heard a husky deep voice she looked to her right only to find Tyler in his dark grey shorts and white T-shirt

"Ugh morning" she touched her head

"Slept well"

She yawned stretching her arms and dropped them on her sides

"Mmm" she nodded with a smile

"I have to go shower" Alex said as she got out of bed

"Shower in mine" he suddenly said

"Oh no Tyler it's fine-"

"I insist"


He opened the door as he looked at me

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