Chapter 3

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It had been an thirty five minutes since they arrived

Alex admired the woman who gave out a speech about her company's anniversary

She was ecstatic when she found out that she was at the very party of the owner of Char's Fashion and Design

She came across it on Instagram and fell in love with it ever since

"I can't believe this is Sharon Nowels annual party" Alex said happiness dripping from her voice

"Yeah, you've said that twenty times" Angelo rolled his eyes

"This is so cool" she grinned

A flashlight wiped the grin off her face as she looked at her brother and frowned

"What was that?"

"Capturing the moment" he smirked "you looked like an idiot grinning like that"

"Smh" Alex looked away from him

They sat on the table reserved for them as they looked at people chat, eat and talk

Their parents were in the crowd somewhere

"Are you ready for college?" Angelo asked

"Yeah, I guess ...partly" Alex looked at her brother

"Partly? Meaning?" He frowned

"I kinda haven't found a place to stay yet" she said sheepishly


Angelo laughed before looking at his irresponsible little sister

"How do you plan on finding a place to stay in a week?"

"I don't know, dad said I should look for a place ...I don't even know the place"

"This is what he gets from spoon feeding you" he shook his head

Alex sighed

She had time to look for a place but she didn't know where to start, she didn't know the place very well

Her father never gave her errands that involved being very far from home

"Have you tried googling any nearby apartments?"

She widened her eyes

"What?" Angelo furrowed his eyebrows

"I never thought of that" she shook her head



A man cut Angelo as he approached the table

"Man I didn't think you'd make it" he said

"Neither did I" Angelo stood up a charming smile plastered on his face "Angelo" he put out his hand

"Angelo?" The man tilted his head "wow it's you! You've grown! I'm Ben your father's friend" he shook Angelo's hand

"Well where is your father?" He asked

"Somewhere in the crowd" Angelo said

"Been long since I saw him" he said before looking at Alex " hello young lady ... Alexandria I'm guessing?"

"Yes" she smiled "nice to meet you"

"Likewise" he nodded as he smiled " son I heard you're flourishing in business why don't you tell me about it as we look for your father ...if you don't mind that is"

"I don't mind at all" Angelo smiled "I'll be around" he told his sister earning a nod from her

The two men walked away leaving the girl alone on the table

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