Chapter 8

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Alex didn't know what or how to feel about what happened in the underground parking lot

She did smile at the thought of getting her first kiss from somebody she liked but something crept in her mind

What were they now?

Did that kiss mean something?

She thought about it when she made her way to her new home

It would be weird to be around him now that he kissed her, but he was the only friend she had excluding Fiona

She sighed as she unlocked the door

Giggles welcomed her as she entered the room

Fiona was in the living room with two girls

A black one of Fiona's complexion whom Alex recognized right away, she had seen her at the party and the other a light skinned girl

The girls laughs died down as they looked at new character in the room

"Hey" Fiona said enthusiastically

"Hi" Alex awkwardly waved her hand

She closed the door and advanced into the room her destination being her room

"Well where you going" Fiona asked

"Umm to.." Alex trailed off pointing towards the hallway

"Come come" Fiona beckoned her


Alex walked in the living room and sat on the couch facing the wall length window

"This is Molly, the taken one in the group" Fiona put her arm around the black girl making everyone chuckle

"And this is Lillian but we call her Lily" she said after putting her hand on Lillian's lap "the coloured one" she grinned

"Was that necessary Fii" Molly shook her head

"Hey it's my style" she said proudly

"Still not necessary" Lillian said

Alex let out a low chuckled

"And guys this is Alexandria Knight, Lexi for-"

"Wait Knight as in Angelo Knight?" Molly asked suddenly interested

"Yeah" Alex nodded

Fiona's giddy state turned to silence immediately Angelo's name was mentioned

"Wow" Lillian chuckled

"Small world" Molly said

"You know Angelo?" Alex asked

"Pshh who doesn't know Angelo" Molly chuckled

"He's that famous?" Alex frowned

"Yeah pretty quiet boy" Fiona quietly said pursing her lips

"Quiet?" Alex frowned "Angelo isn't quiet, he's annoying" she chuckled

"Angelo? Annoying?" Molly raised her eyebrows

"Yeah annoying, he has this annoying smirk that never leaves his face" Alex rolled her eyes "drives me crazy" she shook her head

Alex couldn't believe it but she missed that annoying smirk

She missed her annoying brother

"Umm what?" Lillian gave her a questioning look

"Honey we're talking about Angelo Knight" Molly took out her phone and slid her finger a few times on the screen before putting in front of Alex "this Angelo" she said in a duh tone

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