Chapter 17

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Alex hid in her room the whole day but she was getting hungry as each minute passed

She got up and sat upright on her bed

She wanted to leave her room and eat but she didn't want to face anyone at that moment

How could she face everyone after what happened

Her stomach growled


She took her phone and checked the time

It was 23:56

Alex looked at her phone dumbfounded, she had never stayed this long without eating

If she was at home, her mother would've lectured her about the disadvantages of neglecting eating

Alex needed food but she wasn't ready to talk to anyone, what she wanted was to be alone in her bubble

She had thought about the kiss the whole day

Thinking about it, there was no denying the fact that she felt something from him when he kissed back

That surprised her but it also made her somehow happy

Was she hopping on Tyler liking her back?

Yes she was

Who wouldn't

Alex wished to know why he had kissed her back, she wanted to know if what she felt from him was real but something held her back


She had thought about her too

Sure it wasn't Alex's fault that Tyler kissed her back but she was hesitant on getting close to Tyler

Lillian was the first to claim him, her hands were tied

Who cares, you like him you have to put yourself first

She shook her head, she wasn't planning on losing her friend because of a guy

Alex kept making her situation even more complicated in her head as each minute passed by

She was an over-thinker she couldn't help it, when she faced a situation she'd think of all possible advantages and disadvantages and the things that were in her favor and vise versa

And what happened last night demanded that kind of thinking

Her tummy grumbled again

"I should go eat" she mumbled

Not wanting to torture herself any longer, she got out of her bed and walked to the door

She breathed in and out before opening the door slowly and peeking outside

Everyone was probably asleep, her wish was not to wake them so she planned on acting silent

She got out of her room closing her door in the process, she squinted her eyes as the door made little noise when it closed shut

She stayed a few seconds before sighing in relief

Alex tiptoed out of the hallway

The room was filled with darkness the moonlight illuminating inside through the curtains

She walked to the kitchen her mind filled with quick food that would make her stuffed fast

Alex took a few steps in the kitchen when she suddenly bumped into a wall

"Ouch" she whisper yelled before falling

"Great" she mumbled

She was about to get up when suddenly the lights went on

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