Chapter 29

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Being Alexandria Knight was not an easy thing for Alex, she was being protected all the time

Her grandfather, father, and brother breathed down her neck. She never had any boy experience until she went to the university

All the knowledge she had was from movies and novels she read

She sighed

She stood there on his door contemplating on whether to knock and ask him why he kissed her, did he like her?

Gosh why is he so hard to read

Having a strong urge to go back and just suffer in silence her arms worked on their own and knocked


Great, now I can't go

Great work arm

She stayed there for a few seconds when the door creaked open and there stop Tyler looking at him with his usual blank face

He's here

She looked at him

This is weird

She pursed her lips and looked at him, she averted her eyes to the wall to her right

"I-" she started as she looked back at him

"Come in" Tyler said as he.. disappeared inside his room

"What?" She whispered to herself

Alex was reluctant, she had never seen a girl enter his room. Did she hear right or was she hallucinating

Looking back she entered without a second thought and closed the door

She turned around and found him sat on his bed, his room was beautiful with the same color of his house

His bed was opposite the door but a little to the left, to her right was a wall length window with light grey curtains and a low key black couch and a fluffy black mat on the corner that connected the door wall to the window

There was a wall length mirror next to his bed, to her left was a door that was half open and a flat screen on the wall connected to the door with a small table below the screen


She looked at him embarrassed she was admiring his room

"Sorry" she mumbled "I'm" she took a few steps deeper in the room

She didn't how to start the conversation, she didn't know how it was going to end, she hoped whatever she was starting was going to end well

She was already there, the best thing she was going to do was not to bit around the bush

"I wanted us to talk about the-" she licked her lips as she continued to talk with her hands "the reason why I'm here is because of" she breathed in and out quickly "the kiss, I mean yeah that ...I ...haven't really ... why'd you kiss me like I have so many questions-"

"You walked away after we kissed" Tyler cut her

She looked at him regretting why she did that, she wasn't thinking straight, she felt like she had cheated on Louis which she did. Alex felt guilty, dirty and a player, how did Tyler look at her then, the only thing she thought of doing after sharing that kiss was running away from him

"Yeah I felt guilty, I cheated on Louis and I didn't want to look bad in your eyes, I mean I kissed you back when I fully knew I was with somebody else, how'd you look at me then? A player? A cheat or maybe filthy girl I just ...I couldn't-" she looked at him

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