Chapter 33

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"What?" Angelo frowned as he kept his eyes glued to the road

They were currently on the road to their parent's house, as excited as Alex was to finally see her parents she couldn't wait to hear her brother's love story

She planned on getting it out of him no matter what, if he had to annoy him then so be it

Angelo sighed

"I first saw her in her father's office" he started "His father and I we're discussing about a mall I was to construct which was for her daughter"

"Uh-huh" Alex said encouraging him to tell more

"What a spoiled kid I thought to myself" he chuckled "I hadn't seen her that time, we discussed the terms and conditions and met a few times with Mr Samba ...the final meeting where we were to sign the contract she showed up" he chuckled "I tried my best not to stare too much, but she didn't leave me much of a choice ...I remember rushing the meeting so his father wouldn't catch me stealing glances"

"Really?" Alex laughed "that doesn't make sense at all"

"It does to me, staring at a lady while the father is right there seemed somehow disrespectful to me and uncomfortable"

"Right" Alex chuckled

"You have no idea how lucky I felt when I saw her the first day I visited you" he smiled "she was quiet and shy it made her look cute"

Alex shook her head a smile on her face as she looked at her brother

"You're really smitten by her Angel"

"Yeah" Angelo chuckled "I am"

"Well there's more right?"

"Not much, I met her at the sight, took her out for lunch and another after that"

"So you agreed to coming yesterday because of her yes?" Alex asked

Angelo nodded

"Woooow I just found your weakness Angel" she said proudly

"Riiiight, I don't see how you'll use that to your advantage considering I'm older"

Alex snorted

"You'll see"


Jennifer had impatiently waited for the arrival of her children, she had missed her little girl badly

Happiness flooded her insides as she saw the car pullover in the driveway and Alex getting out of the car

"My chiiiiiild" Jennifer dramatically shouted with open arms

"Muuuum" Alex ran to her for a hug

"Here we go again" Angelo rolled his eyes as he went to the trunk to get his sister's luggage

"You missed your mother only I see, you break my heart" Nathan said as he approached his wife and daughter

"Dad" Alex said as she broke the hug with her mother and hugged her father

"Welcome home sweetheart"

Alex smiled

It was good to be back

"How come I don't get these welcoming ceremonies?" Angelo asked as he walked to them with two luggages each on his hand

"You show up too much here Angelo, make yourself scarce at least" Nathan said as he broke the hug and wrapped his arms around Alex's shoulder


"Nonsense come here" Jennifer said as she opened her arms

Angelo smiled as he walked to his mother and hugged her

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