Chapter 20

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"About the kiss"she started and looked at him for any signs of expression

She sighed

"I ...well" she sighed again

His face was blank as it always was

Looking at him him she asked herself, was she supposed to really ask him? It was a dare right, maybe it meant nothing to him

His expression was obvious

She got up from the couch her plate in her hand "nevermind it was a dare anyway" she said

She got his plate from the table and went to the kitchen, she put the plates in the sink and started washing them

Why is he so hard to read

Alex felt embarrassed for bringing the issue up, it was clear he didn't care about it

She could see it from him

Why would she bring it up when she was with another guy

It hadn't occured to her that whatever she wanted to talk about was wrong considering she was dating Louis

Well you're about to break up with him

Still, it mattered to her

If there was anything she didn't want to get involved with, it was with two guys in an entanglement but as it is shown, it was too late for that already

"Gosh I'm such an idiot" she mumbled

She was wiping the plates when she saw Tyler walk in and sat on the previous stool she sat on

Alex kept on working avoiding eye contact

She wanted to leave quickly and stay far away from him for the rest of the day

She finished everything and was about to bolt out of there when suddenly Tyler caught her arm and turned her around to him

Her heart beat frantically as she looked into his eyes searching for anything, any emotion to give her a hint that she hadn't embarrassed herself for nothing

He stood and cupped her cheek, he leaned down placing his lips on hers a second later

Sparks was the first thing she saw when she closed her eyes

He kissed her the same way he did on that Friday night, on instinct she put her hands on his chest and kissed back with the same energy

On her wildest dreams never did Alex thought she'd kiss Tyler again

She never thought she'd be right there in his kitchen kissing him

Warmness flooded her insides as he deepened the kiss, she felt his young asking for entrance. Right away she opened her mouth allowing his tongue to fully explore her mouth

Tyler snaked his arm around her small waste and pressed her body tighter to himself

Alex was on cloud nine, her legs felt jelly as she lost all the ability to stand

Their kiss was fire and full of passion comparing to the last one they shared she thought

Slowly he pulled away from her and looked into her eyes

For the first time in her life, she saw something in his eyes, something she couldn't quite put a finger on

"This wasn't a dare" he said his voice hoarse "can we talk about it now?"


"Ey! Eyes on the road"

Fiona chuckled as she put her eyes on the road before turning right

"How do you expect me to drive and be on a video call at the same time" Fiona said her voice raised a bit

"I didn't know you were driving"

"Sureee Freddie and you didn't know I was going to the construction either"


He was Fiona's brother and Tyler's brother-in-law, he had met Tyler's sister Teresa when they were in Secondary and we're inseparable since then

Sure there were ups and downs yes but what is a relationship without it's challenges ey?

"Slipped off my mind" Fred sighed

"It's oka-"

"Hey put that down!" Fred shouted

"You're with the kids?"

"Yeah" he tsked "they're giving me a tough time" he chuckled dramatically

"They always do" Fiona laughed

"Teresa will be away for a whole week, I don't think I'll survive" he dramatically sighed

"Where's she going?"

"On a business trip"

"Oh" Fiona stopped the car and put the gear on parking before looking at her phone screen

"You'll tell me how it goes yeah?" Fred smiled

"Mmm" she nodded

Fiona looked up and smiled in delight at what was in front of her, a soon to be mall all for her

A gift from her father

"I can't believe this is going to be mine" she said

"Well believe it" Fred said

Fiona looked back at her brother

"I was there yesterday so you don't have to stay much, I'll expl-"

A loud thud made his head turn 180 to the sound on reflex

A loud wale resonated on the phone

"What was that?" Fiona asked worried

"Teresa is gonna kill me when she gets back" he said before looking back at his sister "ey! gotta go, tell me how it goes yeah"

"Mm byeeee"

"Bye" Fred cut the call

Fiona got out of her car and locked it before walking to her soon to be mall

There were men everywhere working or carrying something that was contributing to the building

They all greeted her with words or gestures as she passed them by

As she walked slowly admiring the gift her father and brother gave her, she noticed a man in a nuvy blue Armani in front of the building

He was with one of the builders having what seemed to be a discussion as they looked at a paper the builder held

The builder was in a full blown conversation with the man when his eyes landed on Fiona

"Miss Samba" The builder smiled

"Thomas" Fiona returned the smile

The man in the armani suit took that moment to turn around eager to know the owner of the lady's voice

Fiona was loss of breath when she saw the man in front of her

He looked at her and gave her a one-sided smile


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