Chapter 40

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It had been more than ten minutes since Alex had awaken but was unable to get out of bed

More than ever she'd be happy to be where she was but the powder room was calling her

She couldn't move her body, Tyler's head was laid on her tummy deep in sleep or so he looked, his arm draped on her side trapping her from breaking free

She tried to move but Tyler was just too heavy to move, she sighed

"Ty" Alex tapped his temple causing him to him

"I wanna go to the bathroom"

He hummed again but showed no sign of moving

"Tyler" she called again

Any second longer and Alex was going to pee right there, she desperately needed to use the bathroom now

Moments later, Tyler stirred and slowly sat upright

Alex quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom leaving Tyler with his thoughts

He himself hated if anyone close to him kept secrets, but how was he going to tell her about the recent events

It was obvious Alex would be on Angelo's side and that thought made him angry

Getting up he pushed back the thoughts and walked to the bathroom, he was going to keep that from her until he found Fiona

Everything's going to be okay

He opened the door

"TYLER!" Alex screamed with wide eyes as she put her legs together and arms on her legs

Tyler smirked at her reaction

"Relax, I'm here to brush my teeth" he said as he walked to the sink

"Couldn't wait" she uncomfortably said

"No" he shrugged as he opened the glass and took a new toothbrush "you have to start being comfortable around me babe" he closed the glass

Alex looked away, Tyler looked at her and chuckled

"Can you look the other side" Alex said

"Why?" Tyler raised his eyebrows

"I wanna get up"

Tyler laughed as he turned towards her and leaned on the sink

"I don't think I'd pass the opportunity of seeing you like this" he said with pure lust

Alex sat there as she felt she had no choice but to pull up her underwear and get up in front of him, Tyler showed no signs of looking the other way


"All I want is for you to be comfortable with me" he said

Alex sighed "fine" she whispered

Pulling her undies up, she stood and made sure she covered herself as she finally put them on

She was startled when she looked up and  found him standing in front of her

Tyler stood there with a small triumphant smile on his face, he raised his hand and slid his forefinger on her temple to her chin

His eyes rolled from her eyes to her lips and they both knew what he wanted to do

Leaning down Tyler pressed his lips on hers, Alex wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back

He kissed her slowly and deeply, he couldn't get enough of her. He grabbed her legs and hoisted her up to straddle his waist as he

Fastening the kiss he carried her out of the room and laid her on the bed positioning herself between her legs

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