Chapter 48

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No matter how much he wanted to leave the house and force what Jeanah was hiding out of her, Tyler had other things to worry about

Call it little but he didn't want the girl sleeping in his bed to find no food on the table when she woke up

A heavy sleeper she was, under all the noise she slept through it. He had to carry her home because he didn't want to disturb her sleep

He sighed

He prepared the fastest food he thought of, pasta with meatballs and gravy. After thirty minutes he was done and walking down the hallway to his room

Tyler opened the door to his room and checked if Alex had woken up, he walked to the bedside table and squatted in front of her

"Alex" he whispered

He tapped her cheek and smiled at himself at how soft it was

"Hey" he whispered again

"Hmm" Alex lazily answered

"I'm going to MJ's for a minute"


Tyler smiled at her cute lazy self, he shook his head before leaving her be and gently closed the door

He walked out of the hallway and to the front door, opening it he walked out and locked it before he started his journey to the floor beneath him

How didn't I think of this

Amidst of all he realized he hadn't talked to Jeanah about Fiona, he was busy with his men, school and Alex's fight that he had no time to sit down and think everything through

He reached the next floor and got out of the elevator

Jeanah always had her way with them ever since they were little, she always found a way to make her siblings speak

He knocked on her door and waited

Surely she knew where Fiona was, Fiona always confided in her if Tyler wasn't around. It had to be the same this time around

The door opened and Jeanah widened her eyes as soon as she saw Tyler

Tyler entered the apartment passing a terrified Jeanah, she closed the door and turned around

"Where is she?" Tyler went straight to the point

"Err ... Um well ... she"

"MJ if you think I'm getting out here without any information then there's a whole lot of things coming your way" he threatened

"She told me not to tell"

"I don't care! I'm sick worried about where she is and you watched me eating pop corn?" He shouted



Jeanah flinched as she widened her eyes at Tyler

"Jeanah is everything okay in there?"

Darren asked from the other side of the door, he had heard a male voice violently scream in her room when he was passing by

"Uh yeah everything is fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm with Tyler"

"Oh ait"

The two heard footsteps retreating from the front door, Jeanah looked at her brother and pursed her lips

I'm sorry Fiona but I can't do this anymore, Tyler won't let this go very easily I'm so sorry

Jeanah scurried across the room to the kitchen and took her phone, dialing the unsaved number she frequently contacted she put it on speaker

The call was picked on the third ring

"MJ hey I was out for a bit, I'm seeing your messages just now please don't tell-"

"Fiona... he's here, I'm sorry" Jeanah said quietly

There was silence as Fiona registered what Jeanah had said, she just got busted

She became silent not knowing what to say. Tyler was very persuasive when he wanted to be, why didn't she thought of that

He must've been worried too much about her, wiping the tears rolling down her cheeks she spoke


Tyler closed his eyes as he thanked God she was fine

"Where are you Fiona?" He asked worriedly

"I'm fine Tyler don't worry about me" Fiona assured her

"I've been looking for you everywhere-"

"No it's of no use, MJ told mom and dad already ...anybody who tries to search for me needs to get permission from them first"

"Oh.. are you alright?" He asked

Fiona was silent

"Why'd you disappear? Is it because of Angelo?" Tyler pushed

"Please don't do anything to him" Fiona said all too quickly

"Kind of too late for that" Jeanah mumbled

"What did you do Tyler" Fiona asked frustrated

Tyler sighed remembering how he messed up a few days ago

"Beaten him up" Jeanah replied

"Is he okay? You shouldn't have Tyler ...Lexi, is she okay? How could you do that to her"

"She's alright, we kind of fought but we're all good now" Tyler hesitantly

That came as a surprise to Fiona, he fought with Alex and actually made up with her? Tyler never tried to mend things with anyone even if he knew he was wrong

After Gwen he never cared about friendships

It was very shocking

Had he gotten close to her since they were the only ones in the house now?

Either way she was glad Tyler was on good terms with Alex

"I'm glad you made up" Fiona smiled "just promise me you won't tell her we talked, I don't want to risk Angelo finding me"

Tyler was silent, he couldn't promise that

He had seen how keeping things away from Alex affected their relationship, he wasn't planning on doing that happening again

"I'm not gonna promise" he said

"Tyler please-"

"Don't make him promise Fii, he can't keep that away from his girlfriend... considering she's involved" Jeanah cut in

"Girlfriend?" Fiona asked confused "wait WHAAAAATT????" She screamed in excitement

"This is my cue to leave" Tyler said as he turned around

"Wait TYLER YOU'RE DATING ALEX? HOW??" Fiona squealed

"Calm down okay" he said

"OMG I'm so happy since when!"

"MJ will update you on that, I'm glad you're fine but I gotta go now" he said biting back a smile

"Just don't hurt her okay? I'm gonna beat you up, saying this as her big sister now ...she's a good girl OMG I'M SOO HAPPY"

"I'm planning on not to anymore" he muttered "can I get your number?"

"Yes. Sure"

"Alright I'll get it from MJ" Tyler said before walking to the door

"So tell me when this happened" he heard Fiona asked as he exited the door

Tyler smiled as he closed the door, that had went down easier than he thought. He was glad Fiona was fine

Whatever the reason of her disappearance was, he was going to know in the near future

He was just glad his sister was fine


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