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A/N: So um hi so this imagine is a little different as it's not centered around Scomiche necessarily it's centered around them having a daughter.

Sorry it's not romantic I'm just not feelin' romance atm.

Don't hate me.

Just trying new things y'know.

Dad Scomiche is cute.


I'm awkward bye.


*Scott's POV*


No response.

I sigh.


After a few seconds of silence I finally decided to go into her room.

"Lauren hurry up we-"

I open her door to find that she's asleep.

I shake her. "Wake up! School starts in an hour."

"Go away dad." She mumbles and turns over.

I pull the covers off of her. "GET UPPPPPPPPPP!" I sing a high whistle note.

She jumps up and covers her ears. "Dad Jesus Christ. And I thought it was bad when Papa woke me up."

"I'm not Jesus, but thanks. Time for school. Be down in 30 minutes." I say and smirk at my sass.

"Ugh get out so I can get dressed." She says and closes the door.

I shake my head and go downstairs to make breakfast.

Mitch is already up as we start rehearsals for our upcoming summer tour today.

"Morning Stephanie." I say and grab his waist.

"I'm gonna burn you with this spatula Patricia." He says and flips a pancake.

"Did you put extra chocolate chips in mine?" I say and bat my eyelashes.

"Mayyyybe, did you wake Lauren up?"

"Yeah. What are we doing about picking her up today?" I ask and Mitch shrugs.

"She may have to walk to the rehearsal building. It's only two blocks from the school."

We put her in a private school for mainly her protection, but ours, too.

"Ok cool. I'll make sure she doesn't get lost or anything." I say and Mitch hands me a plate.

I go put our plates on the table and get all of our drinks.

Lauren drinks Mountain Dew at like, every meal.

"BREAKFAST!" I call and Mitch jumps.

"Lol scaredy cat." I say and he punches my arm.

"Let's rewatch that video of you and Kirst in the haunted house and see who's the scaredy cat." Mitch says with a smirk.

"Lol." I say mockingly and check the time.

"What is taking her so long?" I say and go upstairs.

"Lauren!" I knock on her door.

"Dad oh my god I'm coming!" She swings open her door.

"Wow salty much? Breakfast downstairs." I say and walk away.

I walk in the kitchen. "Salt." I mouth to Mitch and he nods.

"Morning! Sleep good?" Mitch says and kisses her head.

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