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*Scott's POV*

"Home!" I ran inside Mitch and I's apartment and threw my stuff on the couch.

We haven't been home in two months, and I missed my apartment dearly.

Mitch lugged behind me. "You literally made me carry all the stuff in." He says as he plops down on the couch.

"Um that's your fault babe. You shouldn't have packed your whole closet." I tease while moving some stuff to our bedroom. He rolls his eyes. "Mommy needs a different outfit every day and plus I don't know what I'm gonna wear every day."

I poke his nose. "Well I call shower so you can start unpacking."

He whines and grabs his suitcase. I go to our bedroom and lock the bathroom door behind me. I look at the time. 2:30. Just enough time to get ready n

I've planned a dinner date for us at 5.

We have about two months off of tour for Christmas, so I really want to do something special before we have to go back on our 2015 tour. We're planning on putting up a tree, but we might be too lazy.

I take a 20 minute shower and throw some sweats and a t-shirt on.I walk into the living room. "Shower's open babe!"

"Thanks bb!" He says and goes to take a shower. As soon as he leaves I call Kirstie. "Everything's ready, right?"

"Cat's in the bag!" She says excitedly.

I think Kirstie ships us more than the fans do tbh.

"Thanks Kirst. Mitch is in the shower so I'm gonna get ready. Love you!"

I hang up and go pick out my outfit. I decide that we should wear suits since it's fancy.

I get dressed and look in the mirror. I hear Mitch get out of the shower so I lay his suit out for him. He walks into the room.

"Scott! I know I look hot but I really don't wanna make out in a towel right now."

"I don't wanna make out just out this on." I motion to his clothes.

"But why-"

I quickly walk out and shut the door before I can explain. I change in the bathroom and fix my hair. Mitch walks into the bathroom a few (like twenty) minutes later.

"Mind explaining why we're all fancy?" He looks confused and 500% done at the same time. AKA "The Grassi Look".

"I'll explain when we get there.Come on, we're gonna be late." We get in the car and drive to our 'mystery destination'.

We get to the restaurant and I open the car door for Mitch. "Okay, who is this gentleman and what have you done with my boyfriend?"

I roll my eyes. "He's on tour with an a Capella group so I had to take over."

"Oh. I like you better." He teases and pokes my nose.

I pretend to be offended. "Meanie."

I hold open the door for him. "Your favorite restaurant. Did I do alright?"

He makes a thinking face. "I give you a B+."

"Reservation for two. Hoying." I tell the hostess.

"Right this way." She says and leads us to our table. As we sit down I text Kirstie.

Scooter: You here yet?

Kirst ;): In the bathroom. Meet me outside the door.

Scooter: On my way!

I stand up. "Be right back. Gonna go fix my hair."

He rolls his eyes. "You look perfect but go ahead. I'll order wine."

I stand up and quickly walk to the restrooms. Kirstie is standing outside the door along with our 'special guest'.

"Hey Kirstie, hi Sergeant Grassi."

Mitch's dad has been deployed, and they haven't seen each other in months. Mitch has been talking about him a lot and about how much he misses him. He's not expecting him anytime soon, so this is a huge surprise for Mitch.

"Okay, so what's the plan? And call me Mike, son." Mitch's dad says.

"Well, Mitch just thinks I'm fixing my hair so I'm just gonna go back out to the table and you can just walk out a couple minutes after I sit down."

He nods and I start to walk off. He grabs my shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of my son.He really loves you." He pats me on the back and I walk to the table.

I ordered wine and breadsticks." He says and bites a breadstick.

"Thanks babe." We eat in silence for a few seconds. "So have you heard from your dad?"

He swallows. "'s been a couple of days. He said he might be home for Christmas."

"I have a present for you." I say and point behind him.

Mitch gasps and jumps up. "DAD!" He says and hugs him. His dad hugs back. "Good to see you, son."

Everyone starts clapping and Mitch is just standing there crying. I feel myself start to tear up but I hold it back.

"But you weren't supposed to be here yet!" Mitch says and wipes his tears.

"I got released early. I'm staying here for a week and then I'm going home."

"So do you like your early Christmas present Mitch?" I ask.

He nods. "Better than that shirt I wanted." We all laugh and sit down to eat. Kirstie joins us and of course Mitch was all like "You didn't tell me omg blah blah blah."

After we ate we all went back to Mitch and I's apartment and put up a tree, but that's another story.

Ew this is short.

Merry Christmas ppl!

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