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Blue can mean a lot of things.

It can be the color of the sky on a sunny day.

The color of your lover's eyes.

How you feel when you're sad.


I always thought of blue as a happy color.

I never looked into my boyfriend's eyes and felt sad.

I used to feel comforted, at peace-

I used to.

The day I found him.

He wasn't laughing.

He wasn't doing some stupid riff.

He was silent.

His body was silent.

His heartbeat was silent.

His skin wasn't that glowing white complexion that I so dearly loved.

It was blue.

I shook him.

I shook him so much so I could see those blue eyes again.

I dialed the number.

I heard the sirens over my cries.

I choked out screams as the paramedics burst through the door.

They rush past me into the bathroom.

A woman leads me outside and tells me to stay calm.

I watch as my boyfriend is carried outside.

His blue hands fall over the sides of the stretcher.

I got the confirmation from the woman.

He was gone.

My fiancée, my soulmate, my best friend.

My Scott.

My whole world was blue.

I call my friends sobbing, breaking the news that our best friend was gone.

Someone ushers me into the back of the ambulance.

I don't scream.

I just stare as they try to get those blue eyes open again.

They work on him all the way to the hospital.

The only reason they're still trying is because they can't call it until we arrive.

We rush inside the emergency entrance.

I follow them back into the room and watch as the line falls flat and stays there.

Someone notes the time.

I lost it.

I fall to my knees beside his bed and cup his face in my hands.

I must've started screaming like a maniac.

I kiss him on the lips.

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