Our Song <3

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Mitch's POV

My heart is pounding with excitement and a little bit of fear as I fix my hair for the millionth time.

Today is our first show of the tour and, more importantly (just kidding), me and Scott's 1 year anniversary. I got him some new clothes and a watch. He said I get my surprise tomorrow. I don't mind. Scott always gets me the nicest things.

The fans have been so supportive of us since we came out as together, and I couldn't ask for anything more. As I'm getting ready to head backstage, last of course, Scott comes up behind me.

"BOO!" He screams.

I jump. "Don't do that! I'm gonna mess up my hair."

He laughs. "Sorry. I was instructed to come and get you because we're on in five. Come on..it's a special night."

I spray my hair one last time and Scott scoops me up bridal style.

I giggle like a five year old as Scott runs backstage. He's out of breath when we get there.

"Wow Scott you should work out." I joke.

"Lay off the Starbucks." He says and I lightly slap his arm.

"Y'all are cute," Avi says. "But 3 minutes guys come on."

We get in our huddle and warm up and then we get our queue.

We get in our spots and I hear Kevin count.

"Buy it, use it, break it, fix it...."

Scott's POV

Wow. Mitch looks good tonight. Actually, he always looks good.

When we are about to go off stage at the end of the show I motion for everyone to get in their spots.

Kirstie grabs the chocolates, Avi gets the music and Kevin gets the picture that I'm goon to give him, along with some other stuff.

I motion for our sound guy to start the music. Mitch turns around as a random piano track is played.

"Mitch!" Yells Kirstie and motions for him to get on stage.

He walks out, clearly confused.


I grab my mic. "Hey everyone, so this is a bit confusing for you all, I bet. But today is a special day. A year ago today, Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi and I became more than best friends. We became soul mates. Mitch isn't just a boyfriend to me, he's my rock. If I hadn't have thought that that eight-year-old boy playing the part of Mike TV was pretty cool, I wouldn't be where I am today. We have had our ups and downs, but nothing can ever tear us apart. I love you."

Mitch (and everyone else) was on the verge of tears. Kirstie and Kevin give him my gifts and the music starts playing in the background.

"Remember those walls I built

Well, baby they're tumbling down.

They didn't even put up a fight,

They didn't even make a sound.

I found a way to let you in,

I didn't even have a doubt.

Standing in the light of your halo,

I got my angel now."

After that someone handed Mitch a mic and we sang the chorus together. The crowd cheered and we bowed and kissed after the song.

"Sorry PDA." Mitch jokes and covers our faces.

We close out our show and go to the dressing room.

Me and Mitch decide to have a fancy dinner in our hotel room since it was already 10:00. We already had fancy lunch anyway.

We had a food fight (we got in trouble...oops) and watched cheesy love comedies together.

When we were going to sleep I put my hand on Mitch's chest.

"I love you." He mumbled tiredly.

"I love you too." I said and fell asleep.

That night I dreamed about how much me and Mitch have been through and what our future is going to be like.

For now I think we'll stick to cheesy love movies and hotel food.


Ew this is bad and my hand is tired and I'm kinda sad bye

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