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*Scott's POV*

I get up and look at the time.


This is the latest I've slept in days.

Pentatonix rehearsals are crazy and we haven't had any free time, which means that Mitch and I haven't had a lot of alone time together.

Today we're going to the beach, and I couldn't be more excited.

I roll out of bed and quickly throw on a tank top and swim trunks.

I grab a hat, because I'm not even gonna bother with my hair, and go into the kitchen.

"Smells good." I say and Mitch jumps.

"Scott you can't just scare me like that omg."

"Sorry, babe. I'm just feeling extra evil today." I say and wrap my arms around his waist.

"You're gonna look pretty evil too when I burn you with this spatula." He says and flips a pancake.

I step back. "Okay, Sassy Pants. Why don't you go get ready for the beach, and I'll finish making breakfast."

"Okay. Don't burn anything. I'm trusting you, Hoying."

He goes to get ready and I mess around with the pancakes.

Bad decision.

Long story short, the pancakes end up getting burnt and the smoke alarm went off.

Mitch ran into the kitchen. "Scott! Are you okay? What happened?"

I cough from the smoke and attempt to cut off the alarm. I finally cut it off and look at Mitch, who has a pissed-off look on his face.

"I um...I burned.."

"Yeah, I see that. Just throw all that crap away, we'll go to Starbucks."

"Are you sure? I can cook-"

"No!" He cuts me off. "No more cooking for you."

I pout. "I'm sorry..."


"I'm sowwy. Don't be mad." I give him puppy eyes.

He laughs. "Fine! I'm not mad. Just put the pans in the sink."

"Okay." I say and he goes to finish getting ready.

Once everything is done, Mitch is (finally) ready and comes into the living room.

"I'm ready! How do I look?"

He does a fashion walk. "Terrible." I say, not looking up from my phone.

"How dare you insult queen? Anyway, get your sunscreen, you ghost."

"I don't need sunscreen." I say and Mitch gives me a look.

"It's really hot today. The UV Index thingy said that everyone should wear sunscreen."

"I'll be fine." I say and grab a couple of towels.

He rolls his eyes. "Okay, let's go to Starbucks, I'm hungry."

I grab my sunglasses and head out.


*Mitch's POV*

When we get inside, I sit at our usual table while Scott gets food.

I'm on my phone when Scott comes over with our coffee and food.

"Thank god, I'm starving." I say and take my pastry.

After a few seconds in silence because we were eating so fast, Scott shows me his phone.

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