Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

306 19 15

Age: 10

*Scott's POV*

Wow, he is amazing.

I stand on the stage at CATS, listening intently to some kid doing his monologue.

And his voice. It's-


I snap my head around to the director.

"Oh, sorry." I apologize and say my line.

After my part is over the director calls for lunch.

I hurriedly jump off stage because, a. I want food and b. I want to meet this kid.

I grab my lunchbox and look around to try to find him.

I don't see him so I just go out into the hallway to eat my lunch with the other kids.

I don't really have many friends here.

I slide down against a wall and take out my sandwich.

Gross. I think as I pull apart my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I take out a bag of chips and open them up.

"Those are my favorite."

I jump as a boy sits next to me.

"Sorry if I scared you. I come off as a little creepy sometimes."

I instantly recognize him as Mike TV.

"Hey, you're Charlie, right?"

I nod. "You're Mike."

"Actually, that's my dad's name," He jokes. "My name is Mitch."

"I'm Scott."

"What kinda sandwich you got?"


"Lucky! I got turkey today. Wanna trade?" He says and pulls out his better-looking sandwich.

"Please." I say and hand him my sandwich.

"So how old are you?"

"10." I say.

"Me too!" He says and his eyes light up. "Maybe we can hang out sometime."

"Sure! It gets pretty boring sometimes at my house."

"Cool. I'll ask my mom when she comes to pick me up." He says and finishes his sandwich.

I take a sip of my soda and turn to him. "I have a question."


"Have you ever liked a boy?"

"Like... like like?"

"Yeah. Like like."

"Ummm... yeah. But I'm not supposed to." He says sadly.


He frowns. "I just always heard that it was bad. That God would hate me. But I thought God loved everyone?" He asks.

"I heard that, too. I don't know, really. I never payed attention on Sundays." I shrug.

"So... How long have you been coming here?" He asks.

"Since last year."


There's a silence until we get called to practice again.

I take my place and Mitch takes his.

I go down the line of kids and say some things to them until I get to Mitch.

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