Is This It?

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His boyfriend?

"Pleasure." He says and holds out his hand.

I shake his hand.

It's the polite thing to do.

"So how is everything?" I ask in a monotone.

"Uh, great." Scott says, obviously picking up on my tone.

I look at the couple holding hands.


"Uh, Kirst? I think I'll ride back with Mitch."

"Okay! We'll meet you for dinner." She says, taking Tim to her car with her.

"Literally what the hell." I say when they're gone.

"You've been gone a long time. I moved on."

I clench my fists.

Scott looks at my hands. "That's what got you in here. You abused me, Mitch. It's a damn miracle that I can sit here and talk to you as a friend."

"I'm better-"

"That's BS, Mitch- I mean, I'm sorry. I can't trust you. I moved on, get over it."

I look out the window the whole ride home.

"I guess I'll need to move out, then." I say as we pull into the driveway.

"Why would you need to move out? We lived together for a year before we dated."

"No, I get it. You don't trust me. And one day he's gonna want to move in. I'll find somewhere to stay."

A new house.

A new job.

A new life.

Damn, I messed up big time.

"I mean... I guess if that's what you want-"

"It is. I'll go pack my stuff."

"I'll help." Scott says.

We go sit down in our bedroom.

"Mitch we have to plan this out. You have to find a house and a job and- where are you even moving to?"


He makes a face. "Texas..."


"What are you... What's in Texas?"

"Well, family, old friends, job opportunities... I can finally go to school."

"Do you even know what you're majoring in?"

"Well obviously something with music. That narrows it down."

He looks me in the eyes. "Well, if that's what you want... I'm happy for you."

We spend the next few hours (I'm serious) packing my stuff.

It was fun.



"I'm so excited! I haven't been here in forever." Kirstie squeals.

It's been a couple of years since Mitch left.

We've talked from time to time.

I don't even know if our parents keep in contact anymore.

Pentatonix has just had so many opportunities over the last couple years.

We decided to stop here on our tour, as we always do.

I heard that they got a new choir teacher.

I hope they're good, Martin has a legacy to uphold.

We get out of the car and stare up at the place where we did a lot of growing up.


"Big school." Tim says.

He reaches for my hand but I reject. "PDA." I say and giggle.

We make our way to the choir room inside the huge school.

"Oh! Our guests are here."

Funny, that voice sounds a lot like-


"Hello, Scott. Everyone say, "Hi, Pentatonix!"

The class greets us.

Mitch walks over to me while the rest of the band talks to the class.

"You- you-"

"I followed my dream. I went back to school."

"That makes my heart happy." I laugh.

"Mine too. I thought about you the other day."

I think about you all the time.

"Yeah... We should get together soon."

"We should! Thanks for coming, the kids love you guys."

We go on the rest of the class, Mitch treating me like a guest.

We leave the school in a few hours.

Mitch stops me on the way out.

"I love you, Beyonce."

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