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Mitch groans as a fist meets his cheek.

He tries to regain his vision as the letterman jackets move farther down the hall.

Picking up his books, Mitch quickly grabs his book bag out of his locker and runs into the bathroom.

Once in front of a mirror, he takes the makeup out of his book bag and tries to conceal what the bullies did to him.

Checking the time, he swears under his breath.

Making his way out to the parking lot, Mitch keeps his head down, avoiding any possible confrontation.

"Hey, babe."

Mitch kisses Scott as he slides into the car.

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom."

"No problem, babe," Scott starts the car. "Do you wanna get ready at my house or yours?"

"I don't care, what's better for you?"

Scott smirks. "Well, there's no one at my house..."

"Oh... that's nice..." Mitch mumbles.

Scott's face falls. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous for my solo tonight."

Scott scoffs. "Mitchie, you're gonna do great."

Mitch hums his solo and feels happiness rush over him.

Choir was one of the only places where he felt at home.

Once the couple arrives at Scott's house, Mitch grabs his tux and follows Scott up to his room.

"Are we doing shiny or non-shiny pocket square?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure, I think we bring both." Mitch answers, adjusting his tie.

Scott begins to fix his hair while Mitch does some vocal warm ups.

Scott smiles and posts a video on Snapchat of Mitch singing a scale.

"Can we make out now?" Mitch asks.

Scott turns towards him.

"Well, I already fixed my hair... maybe you can sleep over tonight?"

Mitch nods. "Sounds like a plan."

Scott snakes his hands around Mitch's waist.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Mitch replies and kisses Scott's nose.

"Wanna go get Bojangles'?"

Mitch nods. "Yeah."

After getting their food, the boys drive to the school and go to the chorus room.

"Hey, guys!" Their choir teacher greets them.

"Hey, Ms. Jennings!" Scott says.

"You guys look nice, I've gotta go get the programs together."

They say goodbye and sit down on the risers.

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