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Hiiii. This is part 2 to the previous chapter again dedicated to Music_500 thanks for this amazing idea!

But like I changed the kid for funsies.

Enjoy bs.

Or don't idk.


*Mitch's POV*

I walk into the doctor's office, gripping my little girl's hand.

"Papa, why are we here?" My little girl asks, squeezing my hand.

"Because, sweetie. We have to make sure that you're healthy."

"But I feel fine!"

"We have to make sure your brain is healthy. The doctors wanna make sure that your brain doesn't get too big with all the stuff you know." I say, knocking on her head.

"When are you and Uncle Avi and Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kirstie and Daddy gonna sing?"


"Yay!" She says and claps her hands.

"Delilah?" A doctor calls and Delilah jumps up.

"That's me!"

She runs to follow the doctor and I follow behind.

"Are you ready for your check-up, Miss Delilah?" The nurse asks.

"Yeah! Papa said you have to know my brain won't get too big because of stuff." She says, recalling what I'd just told her.

"That's right! Here's your room. A doctor will be here shortly." The nurse says and leaves.

"Papa I'm hungry."

"I know, sweetie. We'll get something after we leave here."

"No. I'm hungry now."

"We don't have any food right now, sweetie. I promise we'll go somewhere."

She groans and I laugh as I see my seven year old get so stressed out over being hungry.

The doctor walks in.

"Good morning, Mitch. Good morning, Delilah! How are you today?" He says, cheerily.

"Good!" She says with enthusiasm, her mood changing instantly as she loves people in general.

"That's great! So how has the ol' brain been? Still have a lot of stuff in it?"

She nods.

"Great! Can you lie on your tummy for me?"

She lies on her stomach and then on her back as the doctor checks her up.

"Can you go play in the playroom for a few minutes, honey? I heard that Tyler is in there right now." The doctor says and Delilah jumps up and runs to the playroom across the hall.


Tyler is her best friend, and they don't see each other often because of tour.

"Okay. Delilah seems to be doing okay. Her autism seems to be getting a little more severe as she grows, but that's probably nothing to worry about."

"So... she just turned seven. She's in second grade. Should we start putting her in permanent EC classes?" I ask anxiously.

The doctor sighs. "I don't want to stop her growth. She's a very smart girl. If her teachers notice any odd behavior around other kids, I would start the classes. Other than that, she's doing great!"

SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt