
377 23 11

*Scott's POV*

"You have Grassi for the rest of the day."

Not him.

Anyone but him.

He's only 20, and apparently he has quite the attitude and temper.

He's in for his schizophrenia.

I sigh and head towards his room.

When I knock on the door I hear shuffling.

The door opens a crack and an eye peeps out.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Hoying. I'm going to hang out with you today. Is that cool?" I ask with a forced smile.

He opens the door and goes back to his bed.

I walk in and shut the door behind me.

"So, you're Mitch, right?" I say, checking my clipboard.

He nods.

"Okay. So, when's the last time you-"

"8:00, a biscuit, apple juice, no, yes, four."

I mark all of the things on my paper.

"Looks like you've been through this enough." I say and set my papers down.

He gets under the covers and pulls them over his chest.

I scratch the back of my head. "So is there anything you want to talk about, or something fun you'd like to do?"

He stares blankly into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask and wave my hand in front of his face.

"Sorry." He says quietly.

"It's fine. So... do you have a favorite game or something?" I ask, trying to get something out of him.

"Can we go outside?" He asks.

I stare into his eyes. "Um... I'm not supposed to take you outside..."

He makes a pouty face. "Please?"

I stare into his deep brown puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But we can't tell." I say and grab the keys.

Mitch stands up out of bed and slowly puts some shoes on.

"They think going out will make me crazy, but really I'm going crazy in here." He says and I can't help but feel sorry for him.

He's 19, for god's sake and he's being treated like a child.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods.

I look into the hallway to make sure that it's clear, and lead him outside.

"Fresh air feel good?" I ask and he smiles a little.


"I'm glad! So... do you want to walk around or play a game or something?"

He shrugs.

He's cute when he's shy.

I mean cute, like, little kid cute.

"How about we just get to know each other?" I say and sit down.

"Okay... you first." He says.

"Okay, well I'm Scott, I'm 22, my favorite color is blue and I really like Beyoncé."

He smiles when I say Beyoncé.

"Okay... I'm Mitch, I'm 20, my favorite color is blue and I have schizophrenia."

SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt