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Guess who just sight read three Pentatonix songs with sheet music and tried to hit Kirstie's low notes on That's Christmas to Me and should probably go on vocal rest bc I just murdered my voice. (It's 1 A.M.)

Btw Valentine is really hot.


*Scott's POV*

"Mitch wake up!" I shake him awake.


"We have rehearsal, come on. Everyone is already off the bus."

He spat a vulgar word at me and I raised my eyebrows. "What's up with you?"

"Scott I-" He quickly sits up and rushes to the bathroom. I follow him and rub his back until he's finished. "Do you want me to get you a washcloth for your head?"

He wipes his mouth and nods. When I come back he's laying on the couch. I lay the washcloth on his head.

"Do you want some chicken soup?"

"Not hungry." He moans.

"I think it would make you feel better. Are you sure?" I ask.

He nods.

"Fine. I'm gonna go tell everyone that you're sick and that you can't rehearse, but you need to come with me so you don't get overheated in here."

"No! I'm feeling better. We have a show tonight, I can't let you guys down."

"Mitch you literally just puked for like 2 minutes straight, you're not performing tonight." I retorted.

"Fine." He says and shakily follows me off the bus. We get inside and I help him lie down on a couch.

"Stay here. Take a nap or something so you feel better."

He pouts and lies down. "I wanna sing."

"No you don't, you just don't want to let us down. I know you feel like crap. Tell me if you feel any worse." I tell him.

He rolls over and puts a jacket over him.

Poor Mitch.

I walk over to the others. "We'll have to practice without Mitch. He's really sick."

"Well, how are we gonna do our show?" Kirstie says softly, not wanting to upset Mitch.

"I don't know...maybe we could just sing some songs by ourselves, I can play the cello and y'all can just do whatever." Kevin suggests.

"I guess that's our only option, so we might as well practice some songs now." I say, "I'll go first, I'll do "I Should Tell Ya' Momma on Ya'"."

"I'll do a cello piece and beatbox." Says Kevin.

"I'll sing the song from Lord of The Rings and do some overtone." Avi says.

"Yeah and I'll sing "Gravity"." Says Kirstie.

"Alright. How about we just kind of chill out and practice our songs. I think I might get Genevieve to drive Mitch and I to the doctor so we can get some medicine."

Kevin nods. "Good idea. We'll stay here and tell Esther where you guys are and to get some stuff for Mitch."

"Thanks guys, y'all are the best." I say and walk over to Mitch. "Mitch, time to wake up, I'm taking you to the doctor."

He doesn't get up.

"Mitch." I shake him and turn him over.

"Mitch, get up!" I say, more forcefully.

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