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*Scott's POV*

Mitch is in a bad mood.

He has been for a few days and it's getting really annoying, as it's affecting his stage presence.

I know he tends to get salty, but everyone has noticed that it's getting out of hand.

He's being rude to people and it's making us look bad.

I woke up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Jessica."

"Hey." He says in a monotone voice.

"What's up with you?" I say.

"Nothing." He responds sassily.

"Wow did you put extra salt in those eggs?" I say and he turns around.

"Stop being rude."

"Oh I'm being rude?"

"Yeah. You are." He says, slamming down his knife."

I give him a look.

"Okay, well rehearsal starts at 10 so I'm gonna go. You can show up when you're ready." I say and walk out the door before he can respond.

I get in the car and check the time.



I get to rehearsal ten minutes late.

I run inside. "Sorry guys. Something happened."

"That's okay. Where's Mitch?" Asks Kevin.

"He um...something came up. He may or may not be here." I say and scratch the back of my head.

"What..what came up? I literally texted him an hour ago and he said he'd be here." Kirstie says and I shrug.

Kevin gives me a weird look.

"Okayyy. Well since we can't really rehearsal without Mitch, let's work on our Uptown Funk arrangement."

I nod and we sit in a circle.

We all sit and do our normal process.

First the bass, which on this song is really awesome, then the beatbox, then the trio.

We decide on me singing the solo.

"We can't really finalize the harmonies without Mitch." Kirstie says.

As if on queue, Mitch walks in and it gets quiet.

"Where have you been?" I ask angrily.

"Doing things." He replies and sits next to Kirstie.

"You can't just show up twenty minutes late." I say and Mitch shoots me a look.

"I was doing things. Let's just get started."

Kirstie's eyes widen and she looks at me.

"Okay...well we were working on Uptown Funk," Kevin says. "We just need to get the harmonies right."

Avi starts his bass part and me and Kirstie sing the parts we know.

Mitch finds his pitch (rhyme lol) and starts to learn the part.

I mess up on one part and we stop for a second so I can figure it out.

Mitch wasn't happy with that.

"You've been here longer than me. You should know it." He says and the atmosphere gets tense.

"Mitch? Can I talk to you in the hall?" I ask and Mitch walks out.

I follow him and hear the others mumbling.

"What is wrong with you?" I demand when I get outside.

"Why does it concern you?"

"Why does it concern me? Mitch, because it affects the whole group. If you're not into it, it makes us look bad. I just want to try to help you."

"Oh so now I make everyone look bad?" He lashes out and I throw my hands in the air.

"Why do you take everything as if it's insulting to you? You know what? I'm done trying to help you." I say and walk back into the room, leaving Mitch in the hallway.

When I walk back into the practice room everyone looks at me.


"In the hall." I respond.

Kirstie stands up. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Whatever." I say.

"Don't get a 'tude. Come with me."

I hesitate but follow her into the hall.

"Okay. So first of all, what happened?" Kirstie says and we immediately start talking.

"Hey! One at a time."

I sigh. "I was trying to figure out why Mitch was in such a bad mood this morning and he snapped. It all went downhill from there."

"No, you- Well I wouldn't have-"

"Exactly. You were in a bad mood for no reason." I say.

"Wait. So y'all are literally fighting because cause Mitch is on his man period?" Kirstie says and crosses her arms.

"No- Well, it was- Yeah." We say simultaneously.

"C'mon guys. This is not high school. We don't have time for this. Just make up."

Mitch and I look at each other.

"I'm waiting." I say.

"It was your fault!" Mitch says.

"It was-"

"Did we not just talk about this? Look, I know that tour is starting and we're stressed, but you two love each other, right?"

We both nod.

"Okay. Apologize."

Mitch sighs. "I'm sorry...for being rude this morning."

"I'm sorry for overreacting earlier. Can we kiss and make up now?"

"You may kiss the bride." Kirstie says and we kiss.

"Okay lovebirds," Kirstie says after a few seconds. "Sorry to interrupt but we have songs to arrange."

We walk back into the rehearsal room and Kevin looks our way.

"Is Mitch still on his man period?"

"Watch it Kev." Mitch gives him a look.

"I'm guessing so. Wanna get food? I'm bored."

"Yassss." Mitch and I say at the same time.

We flip out over that.

Kirstie rolls her eyes. "You guys are so gay."

Mitch nods. "Good observation."

Then Kevin laughs and we laugh at his laugh and yeah.

Then Mitch and I complain about how starving we are.

And then we perform later.

And then Mitch gets salty again.

Here we go...

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