Colorblind. Pt. 1

146 12 2

A/N: this is the result of a brain vomit all in one sitting also it's 2 A.M. And I have to wake up at 7.

Update: I'm at the orthodontist and it's 8:15 A.M. Help me

Also I think I'm gonna make a second part


"Scott, you will be paired up with... Mitch."

I look over at the small gay theatre kid.


He smiles at me. "Are we partners? Sorry, wasn't listening."

I nod. "Yeah. I'm Scott."


Two packets get dropped onto our desk.

"Cool, we got Pachelbel!"

Mitch gives me a confused look.

"I- I mean- I've heard of him..."

"Oh... so football boy over here likes music." He smirks.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't tell anyone. They think I take choir because I couldn't get out of it freshman year." I say and flip through the papers.

"It's alright, I like music too, obviously. Nothing to be ashamed of."

I smile. "Yeah, you're a good singer."

"Thanks." He says quietly.

I get out my colored pencils. "So it says here that since we got a composer, we have to make a visual representation of one of Pachelbel's pieces."

"Can we do Canon in D?"

"That's my favorite!" I say a little too excitedly.

Mitch smiles. "Mine too."

I feel a sense of... Joy?

What is that?

I'm supposed to be all tough and football captain-ish.

I open my computer and look up some pictures to copy down.

I grit my teeth as I try to find a picture that looks right.

"That one looks good. Looks pretty simple, too."

Thank god it's in black and white.

I hold my paper up and start tracing the picture off of the screen.

"Looks really good," Mitch says. "I started on the paper, hope you don't mind."

We switch papers and I read what he's written.

"Mitch, this is... Amazing. Just the way you talk about the music and- wow."

He blushes. "Thank you."

The warning bell rings.

We start packing everything up.

"Hey, why don't we exchange numbers and maybe you can come to my house today. Or me to yours." I say.

SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt