Thanksgiving! Part 2

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*Kirstie's POV*

I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen area. Avi was making breakfast.

"Hey babe." He said and kissed me. "Sleep good?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Did you make your list?"

He smacked his forehead. "I forgot. I'm sure Scott and Mitch will have enough food listed on theirs."

I laughed. "Kevin's probably got the important stuff too. My list just says "Turkey." "

Kevin walked in. "You're right. Thank goodness I'm here or y'all would be lost."

"BREAKFAST!" Avi yelled and Scott and Mitch slowly trudged out of their bunks.

"There you two are." I said and handed them each a plate.

"I smelled food." Said Mitch as he got some grits.

Scott got some bacon and sat at the table. "I wrote down some things we need for Thanksgiving."

We all sat down and chatted over breakfast. Mitch talked about his new bag, Kevin discussed today's schedule with us and Scott talked about a new shirt he bought.

So, the usual.

When we finished we got ready for rehearsal and arrived at our hotel. We unloaded the bus only to be dragged into a van to be taken to an interview.

After the interview I noticed that something was up with Mitch. We're so close that people assume we're dating. We have before, and once you date someone you automatically have a really close friendship.

When we got back to the hotel I knocked on his door. Scott answered. "What's up?"

"Um, can I talk to Mitch?"

He called Mitch over, who I assumed was in bed.

I pulled him out into the hallway and into my room, him not saying a word.

"Mitch what's wrong?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "What do you mean?"

I look into his sad eyes. "You've been acting really sad today. Is something wrong?"

He sighed. "It's nothing. Me and Scott got into a huge fight earlier and I think he hates me."

"But when he answered the door he seemed fine."

"We're theatre kids we can hide things Kirstie." He retorted.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

"Well, I told him that I missed my parents, and he said that he missed his, too. But then I got all sad because...because I can't come home. My mom just got diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer and I want to see her. Scott said that it was rude to want to ditch you guys, and we just got in a huge fight."

Mitch was close to crying by the time he finished his story and so was I. I couldn't imagine how he felt. I wrapped him in a warm embrace as he cried into my shoulder.

"Mitchie, I'm so sorry. Look. Let's go talk to Scott about what happened. I don't like it when you guys fight."

He wiped his eyes and led me over to their room. He walked in. "S-Scott?"

Scott didn't look up from the TV. I grabbed the remote and switched off the TV. "Scott."

He looked at me. "What?"

"What's your problem today? I know what you said to Mitch and you're sensitive to those kind of things."

"I don't have a problem." He retorts. Mitch stays silent.

"Scott, you said it was rude to go home to see his mother, who is very very sick. Obviously you do have a problem."

"I didn't know...I didn't know she was sick, Mitch. I guess I just got mad because I miss my family so much."

Mitch stood in front of me. "Well that doesn't mean you can be a little-"

"Hey!" I yelled and Mitch stepped back.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry, too." Scott said and kissed Mitch on the cheek.

"Come on, let's go set up for tonight. We have to be ready in three hours." I said and Scott took Mitch's hand and we went downstairs.

*Scott's POV*

When we arrived the place looked beautiful. Mitch did the decorations and I must say that he did a fantastic job.

Everyone chatted over some drinks and caught up with a few of our crew members while the food was cooking.

The food finally got done and everyone gathered around the table while Kevin said the blessing.

When everyone was seated we each had to say what we were thankful for. I said clothes, Kevin said his cello (Beyoncé), Kirstie said Pentatonix, Mitch said me (I cried), Avi said barbecue and I said Mitch.

"Guys, I have something to say." I stood up. "Mitch Grassi, you are the love of my life, even though we've been together for three months. I want to thank you for being there for me through thick and thin. Despite all of our arguments and fights, I will always love you. To Pentatonix: Thanks for being my second family. I don't know what I'd do without you." I sat down and everyone was crying, especially Mitch.

I leaned over and kissed him.

This was a perfect thanksgiving.


Mitch got a call at 9:00 the next morning at rehearsal. I could tell it wasn't good.

I went into the dressing room to find him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Mitch? Mitch baby what's wrong?"

He was crying. Hard.

"My mom...she-she's terminal. If this surgery doesn't work she could- she could..." He starts sobbing again.

I felt my heart drop in my chest.

"Oh, baby I'm so sorry." We sit there crying for another 15 minutes until he regains his composure. We go back out and tell the others.

That night backstage in our prayer circle we prayed for Mitch's mom. Mitch kissed me on the lips and thanked me.

I'm really glad we had this Thanksgiving. The fans thought it was adorable and we posted TONS of pictures.

I guess I never realized that I'm never away from my family, and that these four people were more than my best friends.

A/N: eh. I've written better.

Comment if you liked *falls asleep on keyboard*

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