The Accident Pt. 1

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*Mitch's POV*
The screeching of tires beside me.
The sound of shattering glass.
The feeling of skin, no, bone against cement.
The shouts of pedestrians before my world goes black.

I woke up in a hospital room. I always hated hospitals.
Someone rushed to my side and started shouting.
I made out his blurry face to be my boyfriend.
The shouting stopped and nurses rushed into my room, followed by three other people.

The nurses started taking my blood pressure, temperature and anything else they could do.
I heard a quiet voice- Kirstie- ask "Do we tell him?"
"Tell me what?" I softly croaked.
A nurse knelt down beside me.

"Sweetie, do you remember what happened?"
I swallowed before answering. "I think..I think I was in a car accident?"
A nurse writes down something and the rest of the group sighs in relief. "Well, the good thing is, you don't have amnesia. But um.." She hesitated for a moment. "Unfortunately you are paralyzed from the waist down."

My eyes filled with tears. "I-I'm never gonna walk again. How am I gonna do shows a-and sing and-" I broke down.

The nurse mouthed something and walked out. Kirstie came and sat beside me. "Mitchie, don't cry. Just because you can't walk doesn't mean you can't sing." She wiped my tears.

I nodded. "Thanks Kirst." Realization dawned on me. "Does my family know?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah I told them. We didn't tell the fans, we wanted to wait until you were comfortable."

I smiled. "Thanks. Y'all are the best." I groaned and lifted up my head. "When can I get out of here, these beds are so uncomfortable."

Avi laughed. "He's still the same Mitch." The nurse comes in. "Alright, Mitch. You just need to sign these release papers and you can go. I also have your wheelchair that you will take home waiting for you when you get downstairs."

Mitch signs the papers and we grab his stuff. The nurse brings his wheelchair to his bed and we all help him into it.

"Oh my god, where's my phone?" Mitch frantically asks. I roll my eyes and pull it out. "Thank god for this lifeproof." He says and snatches it out of my hand.

I push him down the hallway and the others follow. We get stuck trying to fit all of us in the elevator, but we end up all fitting inside, which ended up with Kirstie on Mitch's lap and Avi on Kevin's back.

When we get to the car, the rest of the band leaves and the nurse lets Mitch pick out a wheelchair to use at home, he chose the purple one, and shows us how to unfold it and fold it back up, and how to adjust the footrests. We thank her and I put Mitch in the car.

I put on my seatbelt and start driving.

Now to tell the fans...

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