
496 23 13

A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyyy woo my math grade is up.

Anyway so I just wanted to say a little something before this chapter.

This one is dedicated to Music_500 for giving me this awesome idea.

Also, this chapter is starring (starring?) my brother because he has a lot of health conditions.

I tend to develop a very strong bond with special needs children (and adults) because they are literally the happiest and nicest people you will ever meet.

I also may do two scenarios idk.


Scenario 1: Tour Life

*Scott's POV*


My eight-year-old son comes waddling into the room.

"We're about to leave. Do you need to go to the bathroom before we go?"

"No." He says and I raise my eyebrows. "You sure?"

He nods quickly.

"Okay. Go to the bus with Mitch. Aunt Kirstie is there!"

He smiles and grabs Mitch's hand.

Oh yeah, Dylan.

He's eight, turning nine in a couple of days.

He has half a heart, a backwards hip, arthritis and he's had a few strokes.

All the best things.

He also can't talk properly.

None of that matters, though, because the fans love him.

I grab mine and Dylan's suitcases and head out the door, locking it behind me.

We're moving into the bus today, so we had to check everything a thousand times before we could leave.

"Hey Scott do you have his meds?" Mitch asks frantically as we get on the bus.

"Yes Mitch I promise." I tell him for the thousandth time.

I get on the bus and give everyone a hug.

"Tour wooooo!" I yell.

"Um can't breathe." Kirstie says and I let go.

"Sorry I'm just excited! I'm really happy that Dylan gets to come." I say and pull him into my lap.

Dylan starts clapping. "Yay! No me like Kirkur (Kirstie)."

Kirstie dramatically gasps. "But I love you, Dylan. That's not nice."

Dylan just goes on his iPod and I laugh.

"He loves you. Anyway, so what are we doing about arrangements for him?"

This is the first time we've brought Dylan on the road, and it's a little scary.

"Well Esther could watch him. Right Esther?" Mitch says and Esther nods. "Of course!"

"I'm just really worried about his health," I say. "He hasn't been doing so well and the CPAP I just, I don't know."

"He'll be fine. I did study medicine, after all." Kevin says.

Dylan squirms out of my lap.

"Bathroom!" He says and heads to the small bathroom.

"Be careful!" I yell and he shuts the door.

"I'm so glad you brought him. But can he fly?" Kevin asks.

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