Tiny Dancer.

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A/N: I would really...... like this idea as...... a book....... should I do it........

Update: sorry it's been so long lol I have no excuse. I'm still wanting this as a book so let me know if you would like this as the first chapter or something ok love y'all bye

Scott wakes to the blaring sound of his 5:00 alarm.

He quiets the noise and squints at his phone screen.


He rolls back into his pillow as he realizes how many hours he'd have to work today.

"Why did I take that lead..."

Most ballet schools didn't have rehearsals at 6 A.M., but apparently this one did for some god forsaken reason.

Scott slowly gets out of bed and puts on his rehearsal clothes.

He grabs his dance bag and walks out the door of his apartment, not even bothering to fix his hair.

The smell of breakfast leads him to the dining hall, where the other dancers are waiting.

He grabs some food and sits with his friends.

"Morning Scott!" Kirstin says with a yawn.

"Good morning."

"Did you see the new guy?"

Scott glances around.

"No, who is he?"

"His name is Mitch. He's really short. He's good-looking, too." Kevin says.

Scott shrugs.

"He probably won't have any classes with me. He looks young."

The group finishes their breakfast and makes their way to their respective classes.

Scott sits down to put on his shoes for class, keeping an eye out for the young boy.

A few minutes pass and Scott makes his way to the barre to warm up.

He leans backwards to stretch when he bumps someone with his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

Scott trails off, realizing he hadn't gotten the boy's name.


Scott raises his eyebrows.

"Oh- uh, I'm Scott."

"Cool. Are you new here too?"

"It's my second year." Scott responds, his heart beating quicker by the second.

"Oh, well maybe you can show me around sometime... I mean, if you want... was that pushy?"

Scott smiles. "Oh, no, of course not. I'd love to hang out sometime. Let me get your number."

The boys exchange phones and quickly type their numbers in before class begins.

Their instructor walks in and everyone rushes to the barre.

SUP3RFRUIT Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt