Chapter 2

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Lilly's POV:

Thank God, I ran away from home, or else they would have taken my money. I have to run the left weak with this cash.
I some how managed to give away our house rent. I must be the first ever girl who is paying rent for her own house.

Hi, I'm Lilly Carter. I live in New York and had a lovely family. Till the day my dad passed away due to a sudden heart stroke when I was 8. Mom fell for another guy and everything was nice until mom got lung cancer and died five years back. Now I'm 23 and living a life of hell. All because of my step-dad Anthony.

He was good with me and Mom for the past years. But, when Mom died, he changed... he would drink and come home daily. He sold my dad's house to pay off his debts.

Yes, after he got married to Mom he stayed with us. They had a daughter my step-sister. She was so cute and tiny. I never had any problem with her. She was like my little doll. We both grew up and loved each other very much.

I finished my schooling and started to work as I had no option. I can't go to college because Anthony won't allow me to. He says it's a waste of money.

He put me in a cafe as an waitress. The place is owned by one of his friends. So, I work here all day. My whole salary goes into his hands. I don't get a penny from him. But, I'm happy that at least he is not hiting me for money.

I took half day off today to visit my Mom's grave. It's been five years she left me all alone. My life has been only with troubles. I cry daily at nights thinking of how to run from here. But, I stop myself thinking of only one person.

I thought of going home to freshen up. That's when I saw thoes two goons standing near my house door and waiting for me. As soon as they saw me, I ran. I don't know where was I running and then I bumped into a guy.

When I fell on him I closed my eyes. But, when I opened them I saw a beautiful pair of dark brown eyes. They were so soothing to look at.

But, I soon came back to reality and said a quick apology and ran away. I hid behind one of the cars. I saw those men asking that guy if he saw me or not. I thought he would tell them but, he told them the wrong way. I was really shocked but also thankful to him.

I came to work, entering into the cafe with my own thoughts.

"Lilly, thank God you came. I was waiting for you!"
Says Andrew my coworker.

"Hey, Andy what's wrong why do you look so worried?"
I ask him curiously.

"There is a lot of work to be done. A customer is going to propose to his girlfriend tonight so, please start work. Hurry.... Hurry!" He says running into the kitchen.

I signed and go behind to the workers area hanging my coat on the doors hocks, I put on my apron. I come out and bump into the annoying character Steven.

"Hey! Beautiful, I missed you in the morning!"
He says seductively coming close to me and I took to steps back and hit the wall.

He caged me and started to kiss me, my tears flew down but, I couldn't do anything about it. His lips are disgusting and making me feel dirty. He kisses my neck and his hands traveling all over my body. I wanted the earth to just swallow me fully.

He finally stopped and I felt relieved.

"I'll continue this at night!"
Saying this he goes the other way.

I stood still and wiped my face and neck with the tissue which is inside my apron pocket.

"How do you bare so much?" Asks Andy coming close to me.

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