Chapter 4

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Lilly's POV:

My full body's aching and I can feel something soft under me. Slowly opening my eyes I see, a bedroom. I'm laying on a king size bed and wearing a light yellow night gown which is not mine.

I slowly get up and sit stright. My left arm is bandaged. The room looks very pretty. It's all in black and white. But, where am I? Did they catch me? Where is Ryan? Ho God!

Quickly taking of the blanket over me, I step down the bed. I open the door and come out. Following the steps down, I can hear faint voice

I slowly walk and as the view in front of my eyes. I can't believe it real or am I day dreaming? I question myself.

What is he doing here? I think being confused and then realization hits me.

I was running with Ryan in my arms when suddenly a car came in front of me and I screamed and fainted. Was it him in the car? could not be him? My inner mind has several of questions running.

He is playing some video game on the TV with Ryan sitting on his lap.

Ryan says running towards me in excitement.

Michael looks up and our eyes met. We stared at each other blankly.

"Momy!" Ryan says hugging my legs.

I bend over, picking him and hug him. If they would have taken him. I would have died. He is the reason I'm living or I would have killed myself long back. Water is not stopping from my eyes. I hug him so tightly. I kiss him everywhere.

"Baby, are you fine? Nothing happened to you right?"
I ask him looking for any injury on his body.

He shakes his head with a smile at me. His smile reminds me of... I can't express my feelings right now.

I hug him again and cried. He breaks our hug and wipes my tears and kisses my cheek.

"Momy! No cry. Smile ran..."
He says smiling.

I laugh, he still doesn't pronounce his name properly.

"It's Ryan... Say Ryan!"
I say pinching his cheek.

"Ran.. I say ran Momy"
He says again smiling.

I shake my head and ruffle his hair. Then I hear someone clearing their throat. I look up to see him.

He smiles at me. I don't know how to react so, I too give him a weak smile.

"Ryan buddy, why don't to try a new game till I speak a little with Mommy" He tells Ryan to which he got off me, and ran towards the sofa and started playing his game.

I am standing still on my spot not knowing what to say. I look at him with a confused face. He comes close and stands a little away from me.

"Come, have something then we'll talk"
He says in a normal voice.

I nod and follow him quietly.
He gestured me to sit on the chair near the dining table. I sit admiring the kitchen. He served me something on my plate to which I didn't see and just ate quick.

I was so hungry, I had not eaten properly past two days. Once we were done eating. He went up somewhere.

I went and sat beside Ryan and kissed his cheek. He looked fresh and had some different type of clothes. It's not his I know. They look a little old to me.

Michele comes back down going towards the kitchen again.

You must be wondering that how do I know his name? While billing yesterday I read his name!

He comes and stands in front of me giving two tablets with a glass of water. I look up at him strangely.

"Don't be scared, they aren't contiseptive. They are just some vitamin and painkillers"
He says with a small chuckle.

A kind of relief also embarrassment takes place in me. I quitely took it as he sat opposite looking at me, I felt his dark brown eyes drilling into me. I tried looking away. But, his gaze didn't move an inch.

"I'm sorry for bothering you and thank you for helping"
I say softly lowering my head.

He doesn't say anything and nods. He keeps staring at me.

"Can I use your phone please?"
I ask him politely.

He gets up and takes his phone from the TV's table and gives it to me.

"Thanks!" I say while taking it with a small smile.

I quickly dialed my friend's number. I get up and stand beside the window. I'm not calling Andy, it's another friend actually neighbor too. She's a sweetheart. She helps me alot. After a few rings she picks up.

"Hello who's this?" She asks in a doubt.

"Hey, Jazz! It's me Lilly" I say.

"OMG...where the hell are you?" She asks in worry.

"I'm fine, and safe"
I say leaving a breath.

"Thank God, good, but where are you and who's number is this?" She asks again.

"It's a friend's and I'm at his place" I say with a little hesitation.

"Who?" She asks me again in shock.

"We just met a few days back at the cafe" I say really feeling bad to lie to her.

"Anthony came here asking about you but, I didn't know so, I told him I don't know. I was so scared for you and where is my Ryan?" She asks again in worry.

"He's good!" I say while glancing at a smiling Ryan.

He's looking so happy and cute.
I got very scared last night. I don't know if it wasn't for Michael, what would have happened to me.

"He will find you again. Why did you run anyway?"
She asks and I snapped out of my thinking.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you once I meet you. Till then just keep an eye on him and keep me updated" I request her.

"Ok I'll do it.. Should I call you on this number?" She asks.

"Yeah! Hmmm No... not on this number" I say quickly.

I'm not going to stay here for long. So I don't want to give her this number.

"Then?" She asks.

"I'll call you tomorrow from another number" I say.

"Cool, take care both of you!" She says and we hang up.

I turn to see Michele sitting and giving me a questioning look. I go close to him and hand him back the phone.

"I want to tell you something"
He says with hesitation.

I nod my head. He stands up coming close to me, he looks straight into my eyes.

"Yesterday, you were realy in a bad condition. I'm sorry, I had no option so I changed your clothes but, I swear on my mother. I put the lights off and did not do anything wrong"
He says with guilty eyes.

Now I realize how I came into this nighty. I look down at myself and back at him. I just nod my head. As I didn't know how to react actually.

He left a sign of relief giving me a week smile. I go and sit beside Ryan. He comes and sits on the other side of the sofa.

"Would you mind sharing your story with me?" He asks me politely.

I look at him battling with my mind whether to tell him or not we are still strangers. How am I to believe him? I didn't reply till he spoke again.

"I know we are strangers. But, sometimes an unknown person is better than knowing"
He says with a small smile.

"You can trust me!"
He says ruffling Ryan's hair and looked at me again.

I take a deep breath thinking, he has helped me twice. I don't think he is a bad guy. I can trust him.

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