Chapter 14

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Lilly's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes to see I am in a room.... Looks like a hospital.

I remember Michele put me in the ambulance and then everything blacked out. I turned my head to see Michele sleeping on the couch. He looks so stressed and uncomfortable.

I felt bad for him. He is going through all this because of me.

A small drop of tear slipped off my eye. I turned my face to the other side not wanting to see him. How will I face him once he's up? The state he saw me in when he came into the room. I'm so embarrassed. But, I don't know why I just felt safe in his arms. There is a wired feeling when he is near me.

The door opened bringing me back to earth. Came in the nurse with Jack, Andy and Jeni. The nurses came and started to check me. Jeni sat on the stool near my bed. She held my hand and kissesd it with drops of water falling from her eyes. Andy held her shoulder and gave me a small smile to which I responded the same. Jack too gave me a small smile and I did the same.

Jack went towards Michele and woke him up. I did not look at him, but I knew his eyes are on me.

"You can take her home by tomorrow evening but, please take care of your left leg the air fractured is still not yet healed". Said the nurse looking at Andy and Jeni.

"That's great news!" He said looking at me.

I smiled at him...

"Thank you so much!" Said Jeni looking at the nurse.

She nodded at her and then turned to Michelle.

"Mr. Knight you need to finish some formalities". She said.

"Sure!" He said and both of them went out.

I tried my best not to look at him and once they were out I signed in relief.

"If it was not for him you wouldn't have survived". Said Jack looking at me with a faint smile.

I gave him a blank look.

"Seriously, that guy was ready to pay 5k to save you! I can't believe this shit! I think he just trying to act all good boy". Said an annoyed Andy.

I gave him the same look.

"Can you guys please stop! She has just woken up". Said Jeni.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak. My throat hurts me.

"Where is Ryan, how is he?"
I asked softly in a hores voice.

"He is at home with Jazz, don't worry he is good!". Said Jack with a small smile.

"Do you want to have anything?" Jeni asked me out of concern.

"Water!" I said softly.

She nodded and leand to the side table and poured a glass of water from the jug. Jack helped me to sit up straight and Jeni held the glass up to my mouth. As soon as the water went in my throat it felt so 'terrible and also reliving'. It pained a bit but, I wanted drink some.

Then again the door opened and he came in. Once again my heart stopped for a minute. Again all the uncomfortable feeling. Why does this happen? I hate not being able to help myself in any situation.

He stood beside Jack and the room went in pin drop silence for a second.

"Are all the formalities done?" Asked Jeni trying to change the air around.

"Yeah, everything is done".
He said and sounded confident.

I kept playing with my fingers looking down not wanting to see his face.

"I think we should leave!" Said Jack.

I looked up at him in shock.

"Yeah your right, we will visit tomorrow morning. Now since your fine. I think we can go!". Said Jeni with a small smile. I looked at her in disbelief.

Seriously they are doing it on purpose. I know my friends well. Why do they so this to me all the time? Ugh.... I hate them so much.

"I'm staying here with her". Said my saviour. I gave him a thankful look.

"No, your not! 'Michele is here'. And my parents are coming home for dinner tonight so you are coming with me".
Jeni said glaring at him.

And I pouted at him to stay but I guess her glare is more stronger.

She pulled him by his arm and gave me a smile kissing my forehead they left. Jack too side hugged me and went out. Not before hugging Michele and wisphered something in his ears to which Michele smiled and nodded.

I kept looking down not knowing what to say, my heart is beating like anything.

He sat on the edge of the bed and held my hand. I stiffened and closed my eyes tightly. He kept his middle finger under my chin and lifted my face up.

"Look at me!" He said softly but in a demanding voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his dark brown eyes. They had some emotion which I couldn't understand. But, suddenly my eyes started to water. I don't what got into me. I leaped and hugged him tightly.

I cried on his shoulder and the best thing is he hugged me back kissing the side of my hair and stroking my back.

We parted and he held my face, wiped my tears and kissed my knuckles. I looked at him not knowing what to do.

"Feeling better?" He asked tucking one hair behind my ear.

"Much Better!" I said with a faint smile.

"Good, don't worry. You are safe here and Anthony can't do anything from now on! He is finally in prison. He can't even think to harm you!". He said and smiled lightly.

I just nodded my head lamely.

"Take some rest! I'll get you something to eat". He said and stood to go.

He helped me lay back and went out. I closed my eyes and sleep took over me in seconds.

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