Chapter 19

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Lily's POV:

A bright, fresh and sunny morning. I am standing in the kitchen and making breakfast. When suddenly, I felt two hands slide around my waist and kiss my neck.

"Mick... I'm cooking please stop!".
I said and wiggled.
But his hold became tighter.

I put the gass off and turned to face him. "What are you....

He didn't allow me complete my sentence and kissed me. I can't protest with this I quitely gave in.

"Why did you wake up so early?" He asked after we parted.

"If you have forgotten, today is your daughter's 4th birthday!". I stated and turned back to cook.

"I remember, and I haved already planned everything for the evening". He said kissing my shoulder.

"Fine! then please go and freshen up and start preparing everything". I said and moved the other side of the counter.

"Mom and Dad are coming right?"
I asked him while chopping the veggies.

"Yeah, obviously they will". He stated and went into the room.

It's been 5 years of our marriage. We have a 4yr old 'daughter Emma'. She entered into our lives just to make it complete!

Ryan is 8yrs now. And he loves us just the same. He yet doesn't know we are not his real parents. And I don't want him to know anything for now.

Michael 'proposed me after 7 months of dating each other'. His parents are the cutest couple I have ever seen. It's only because of them he could move on in life. I feel myself lucky to 'have in laws like them, an awesome husband like him' a wonderful son like Ryan and a pretty daughter'. My life is complete!!!!.

"Babe, give me my towel!"
He yelled from inside the bathroom.

"Coming!" I said and smiled.

I know he doesn't take it go on purpose, just to call me and drag me inside with him.
What am I to do with this cray guy.....I have no idea! I thought to myself laughing.


Michael's POV:

I can't believe that I finally started believing in 'the second love theory!. And actually there is no harm in falling love the second time. I am a happy man now. With a beautiful family. I love all of them 'specially my wife'....

The day she said yes to me was the best day of my life!. She changed everything for me. We both have 'our flaws but have accepted each other with all good and bad stuff'. That is what love is all about right?. 'To support each other in all times'.

Now I work in my Dad's company. I know, being in fashion industry and working in construction industry are two huge differences. But to be honest if you try something new, the first attempt is always hard but, as time passes everything falls into palace.

Today is my daughter's birthday.
'I love my little Lilly'...
She is just the carbon copy of her mother.

I am in the cake shop waiting to collect her cake.

Suddenly someone called me..

"Michael, is that you?"

I turned my head and looked it is 'Alice'. What the hell? Why did I see her face on such a nice day?
I thought in my mind.

"Hey!!, Alice... how are you?"
I asked awkwardly.

"I'm doing 'good' how are you?" She asked me normally.

"Yeah! all well"... I said smiling.

Just then my phone rang. I didn't see the caller I'd and picked it up.

"How more long is it going to take? Everyone have almost come". Said my wife.

I recognized her voice...

"Yeah, I'll be there in 15min".
I said and cut the call.

"So.... how is life?" She asked

"Everything is lovely!". I said normally.

"You know I'm sorry for everything in the past. Can we start over again please!".
She requested sweetly with her puppy eyes.

Before I could say anything.

"Daddy!.. I want one lava cake".
Said Ryan coming towards me.

"Daddy?" She asked in shock.

"Daddy who's this?" Asked me Ryan.

"Yes, he's 'my son' and Ryan this my 'old friend Alice".
I answered both at same time.

"I'll take a leave...see you sometime later!". She said and ran as soon as possible.

"Why did she look shocked?" Ryan asked me.

"I don't know...let's go!". I said and we both brought the cake and returned home.

The evening went well and my daughter loved everything and was very happy. Onces all left. We were putting the kids to sleep in their room.

"Mommy, you know today in the cake shop, Daddy made me meet his 'old friend Alice'. She looked so wired she didn't even say hi to me".
Said Ryan to Lilly.

She gave me a strang look.

Shit! Ryan why did you have to tell her?. I thought within myself.

Before she questions me, I casually got up and went out of that place.

She came into out room and stood in front of me and just kept staring in my eyes.

"Fine! don't give me those looks. I just bumped into her!.. we just spoke two common words that's about it". I said in defeat.

She kept silent and didn't say anything. I know she's still not convinced.

She went and stood near the window quietly.

"Babe, I sware there is nothing to worry". I said going and hugging her form the back.

She sighed and turned to facing me. I can see she is holding her tears.

"You are my everything....I love you!" I said and picked her lips.

"Honey, please trust me!" I am literally begging her now.

She slowly hugged me and I held her tightly.

"I'm pregnant'!" She said softly.

I broke our hug and kissed her, she kissed me back.

She is my life....I'm not trading this life for anything!.......

We parted and rested our foreheads together and smiled.

"I love you!" She said smiling.

"I love you more baby!" I said and kissed her forehead.


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